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Lol btw, please, don't use plastic
@gretathunberg @fridaysforfutureglobal @memesfortheclimate @fridaysforfuture_memes @fff_europe @clivemcchange @climemechange @trendvegan @fridaysforfuturealbania @extinctionrebellion #hashtag #schoolstrike4climate #schoolstrike #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfuturealbania #fridaysforfuturememe #gretathunberg #extintionrebellion
The school strikes are already having an impact on the amount of coverage climate change gets in the mainstream media.
As climate change becomes more of a talking point, it automatically also becomes more of an election issue.
Keep going we are getting there, and always remember, as soon as about 3.5% of the population gets mobilised major changes start to happen.
Together we can get there.
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More and more people are supporting action on climate change! The more support we can get the larger the impact we can have on politics worldwide
Share this with anyone who you think should be introduced to the most pressing issue of our time.
#Repost @climateclimax
.#climate #environment #globalwarming #sustainability #climateaction #climatejustice #sustainable #ecofriendly #savetheplanet #renewableenergy #fridaysforfuture #climatejustice #renewables #climatestrike #renewable #extinctionrebellion #gretathunberg #gogreen #climatechange #youthstrike4climate #saveourplanet #onlyoneearth #climatestrikes #noplanetb #plasticpollution #fridaysforfuture #gretathunberg #climateactivist
Environmental activist @GretaThunberg cries at the end of her speech to the environment committee of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
“You gave us false hope. You told us that the future was something to look forward to.” Thunberg has inspired over a million children to join in on her recurring Friday Climate Strikes from school, and has become a razor-sharp voice for the youngest generation of activists whose “future has been sold so that a small number of people can make unimaginable amounts of money.”
Reposting @thomsonreutersfoundation, Photo by Vincent Kessler/ REUTERS
#Climatechange #Climate #EuropeanParliament #gretathunberg #Environment #Strasbourg #France #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #youthstrike4climate
Greta will never stop striking untill the things will be better...
@gretathunberg @fridaysforfutureglobal @memesfortheclimate @fridaysforfuture_memes @fff_europe @clivemcchange @climemechange @trendvegan @fridaysforfuturealbania @extinctionrebellion #hashtag #schoolstrike4climate #schoolstrike #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfuturealbania #fridaysforfuturememe #gretathunberg #extintionrebellion
How unnecessary is this?! If one image could define stupidity, this would be it.
Is a minor convinience worth thousands of years of deadly pollution?
Follow @climateclimax for more
.#climate #environment #globalwarming #sustainability #climateaction #climatejustice #sustainable #ecofriendly #savetheplanet #renewableenergy #fridaysforfuture #climatejustice #renewables #climatestrike #renewable #extinctionrebellion #gretathunberg #gogreen #climatechange #youthstrike4climate #saveourplanet #onlyoneearth #climatestrikes #noplanetb #ecocide #plasticpollution #fridaysforfuture #gretathunberg #climateactivist
Der Stil erinnert ein wenig an die Graffiti des britischen Künstlers #Banksy, der Schauplatz ist aber nicht London oder Bristol: An einer Hauswand in der Brüsseler Innenstadt prangt seit kurzem ein riesiges schwarz-weißes Porträt der Klimaaktivistin Greta #Thunberg. Der belgische Künstler #Encq sprayte dort das Gesicht der jungen Schwedin inklusive ihrer typischen langen Zöpfe an die Fassade - mehr als drei Stockwerke nimmt das Abbild der 16-Jährigen ein.
Das Werk ist eine Hommage des Künstlers an die jungen engagierten Menschen, die für den Klimaschutz auf die Straße gehen. Sie beeindruckten ihn, meint der 58-Jährige. Seine Generation habe die #Klimakrise mitverursacht, sagt der Großvater. "Ich schäme mich und bin gleichzeitig stolz, dass junge Leute für die Zukunft kämpfen." Seine Enkelkinder sollten in einer lebenswerten Welt aufwachsen. Encq selbst war nach eigenen Angaben auch schon auf einer der Klima-Demos. Er findet: "Wir können nicht so weitermachen wie bisher." Das Wohnhaus steht in einer Sackgasse. Die Graffiti-Greta aber blickt nach rechts, in Richtung "Ausweg", erklärt Encq. Der Schmutz an der Wand symbolisiere die Vergangenheit. Wenn das Licht der gegenüberliegenden Fenster auf das Bild falle, stehe das für die #Hoffnung.
#Klima #FridaysforFuture #GretaThunberg #tagesschau
Could Swedish environmentalist @gretathunberg win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Britain's leading betting company thinks so - @ladbrokes puts her at 5/2 to win the prestigious international award for her efforts in inspiring thousands around the world to protest for climate action
If the 16-year-old does win the award, she would become the youngest Nobel laureate, a title currently held by Pakistani activist @malala, who won the prize in 2014 aged 17
Read all our climate news at | #Climatechange #Climate #gretathunberg #Environment #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #youthstrike4climate #betting #ladbrokes #odds #NobelPrize #NobelPeacePrize