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Meet our dashing (and mischievous) Skys.
L to R: Matua Anghet Salas @matuaanghet • Tristen Menzies @tristendo • Aaron R Gumataotao @a_a_ron.g3.
Sky is Sophie’s Smart, athletic and devoted fiancé. He left college to help Donna and Sophie run the Taverna and break free from the 9 to 5 life. He can’t wait to take on the world with Sophie.
#guammamia #guamgatetheatre #guamtheatre #mammamia #sophiesheridan #guam #instaguam #broadwaymusical #musicaltheatre #broadway #broadwayshow #abba
@iamkrystalpaco • Editing: @showgirljenny
Last photo: @expressionsstudioguam
Sneak Peek: Does Your Mother Know?
Rehearsals are our time to have fun, try things out, goof around and see what works snd what doesn’t. Either way...we’re having a great time!
#guammamia #guamgatetheatre
#guam #guamtheatre #guamlife #instaguam #mammamia #doesyourmotherknow #musicaltheatre #broadwaymusical #broadway #theatre #giftedandtalentededucation #christinebaranski #herewegoagain