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What the kind believes, the body achieves! This transformation from @fit.mum_underconstruction is perfect hump day motivation -
Like and share if you agree! ❤️ -
Here’s why I created this page: -
I started Reset You because for as long as I could remember, I was “resetting” my goals, my plans, my life. Whether it was to get my life back on track or starting the newest diet that was emerging at the time. Until I started reeducating myself, and slowly understanding that you have to accept yourself and then you can reset your mindset. your determination will soar from there and you can finally smash those goals. It’s not always easy, fun or what you want to do but it’s worth it. -
I want to help people train and become the best version of themselves. I can relate to many of the hold backs, the pitfalls and mental fights that we put ourselves through. -
To be accepted, we first have to accept ourselves.
#fit #fitnessmotivation #workout #fitnesstransformation #fitnessquotes #fitnessfam #fitnesstrainer #diet #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitnessgirl #instafit #fitnessvideos #fitnesslife #fitnesstips #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmom #muscles #gym #exercisetips #oxfordpt #ptoxford #oxfordpersonaltrainer #personaltraineroxford #oxfordgym #gymoxford #woodstockoxfordshire
♀️ Your body is an amazing thing, capable of amazing feats! Don’t forget to show it the love it deserves ♀️ - credit: @pelvicguru1 Like if you agree! ❤️
Here’s why I created this page: -
I started Reset You because for as long as I could remember, I was “resetting” my goals, my plans, my life. Whether it was to get my life back on track or starting the newest diet that was emerging at the time. Until I started reeducating myself, and slowly understanding that you have to accept yourself and then you can reset your mindset. your determination will soar from there and you can finally smash those goals. It’s not always easy, fun or what you want to do but it’s worth it. -
I want to help people train and become the best version of themselves. I can relate to many of the hold backs, the pitfalls and mental fights that we put ourselves through. -
To be accepted, we first have to accept ourselves.
#fit #fitnessmotivation #workout #fitnesstransformation #fitnessquotes #fitnessfam #fitnesstrainer #diet #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitnessgirl #instafit #fitnessvideos #fitnesslife #fitnesstips #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmom #muscles #gym #exercisetips #oxfordpt #ptoxford #oxfordpersonaltrainer #personaltraineroxford #oxfordgym #gymoxford #woodstockoxfordshire
☝️#тренируйся ✌#твойтренер #фитнесстильжизни ️♀️ #фитнеспосле35 #луганск #lugansk #весна2019 #тренажерныйзалоксфорд #gymoxford #тренируйсясумом #спортэтотруд #бодибилдинг #бодифитнес #фитнесмодель #спортмодель #спортвкайф #тренируйсявкайф #luganskcity #luganskonline #делайтело #people_lg #instaspring #instaselfie #realvideo #луганск_лнр #lnr #luganskcity #realme #instavideo #станьлучшечемвчера
Check this out! - There are a lot of 30 day challenges online that are unrealistic or just flat out pointless! This one however takes things back to basics and with these simple easy changes can bring excellent results! Sometimes the smallest changes can be the most effective in the long run credit: @starathletes_ -
Like and Share if you agree and/or want to try this yourself! ❤️
Here’s why I created this page: -
I started Reset You because for as long as I could remember, I was “resetting” my goals, my plans, my life. Whether it was to get my life back on track or starting the newest diet that was emerging at the time. Until I started reeducating myself, and slowly understanding that you have to accept yourself and then you can reset your mindset. your determination will soar from there and you can finally smash those goals. It’s not always easy, fun or what you want to do but it’s worth it. -
I want to help people train and become the best version of themselves. I can relate to many of the hold backs, the pitfalls and mental fights that we put ourselves through. -
To be accepted, we first have to accept ourselves.
#fit #fitnessmotivation #workout #fitnesstransformation #fitnessquotes #fitnessfam #fitnesstrainer #diet #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitnessgirl #instafit #fitnessvideos #fitnesslife #fitnesstips #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmom #muscles #gym #exercisetips #oxfordpt #ptoxford #oxfordpersonaltrainer #personaltraineroxford #oxfordgym #gymoxford #woodstockoxfordshire
Персональный #тренер спорт-клуб "Оксфорд" (#Луганск). .
+38 099 077 84 49 или ✒ в директ☝ #lugansk #gymoxford #fitness #фитнесбикини #луганск_лнр #фитнесмодель #здоровоетело #strongbodies #прокачайсвоездоровье #workout #gym #sport #beauty #sexybodies #fitnessmodel #fitnesslife #железныймир #luganskonline #жизньпрекрасна #железныйрай #лето2018 #mymotivation #fitnessmood #myfitnessday #моетело #простоя #силаиграция #luganskgram
There’s an incredible satisfaction that comes from feeling your body move with strength and power Next time you hit the gym try working in 5 x 30s Battle Rope sets as a high energy finisher to really fire up your body and mind - Credit: @helloburpees -
Like if you‘d give this a go! ❤️
Here’s why I created this page: -
I started Reset You because for as long as I could remember, I was “resetting” my goals, my plans, my life. Whether it was to get my life back on track or starting the newest diet that was emerging at the time. Until I started reeducating myself, and slowly understanding that you have to accept yourself and then you can reset your mindset. your determination will soar from there and you can finally smash those goals. It’s not always easy, fun or what you want to do but it’s worth it. -
I want to help people train and become the best version of themselves. I can relate to many of the hold backs, the pitfalls and mental fights that we put ourselves through. -
To be accepted, we first have to accept ourselves.
#fit #fitnessmotivation #workout #fitnesstransformation #fitnessquotes #fitnessfam #fitnesstrainer #diet #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitnessgirl #instafit #fitnessvideos #fitnesslife #fitnesstips #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmom #muscles #gym #exercisetips #oxfordpt #ptoxford #oxfordpersonaltrainer #personaltraineroxford #oxfordgym #gymoxford #woodstockoxfordshire
Self love once you achieve self love you don’t need any other love! @stepha_reset_you
Here’s why I created this page: -
I started Reset You because for as long as I could remember, I was “resetting” my goals, my plans, my life. Whether it was to get my life back on track or starting the newest diet that was emerging at the time. Until I started reeducating myself, and slowly understanding that you have to accept yourself and then you can reset your mindset. your determination will soar from there and you can finally smash those goals. It’s not always easy, fun or what you want to do but it’s worth it. -
I want to help people train and become the best version of themselves. I can relate to many of the hold backs, the pitfalls and mental fights that we put ourselves through. -
To be accepted, we first have to accept ourselves.
#fitover30 #fitnessbeginner #beginnerfitness #freshstarts #resetbutton #weightlossupport #selflovetips #selflovematters #healthymindhealthylife #feelgoodquotes #beyourbestversion #lovethegym #gymnewbie #gettingstarted #imjustgettingstarted #fitmomjourney #weightlossjourneyuk #weightlossfamily #weightlossquotes #exercisetips #oxfordpt #ptoxford #oxfordpersonaltrainer #personaltraineroxford #oxfordgym #gymoxford #fitnessclasses #fitness #woodstockoxfordshire
Я по своей натуре очень мягкий,добрый и ласковый человек,я не привыкла сильно давить на людей,да и не считаю это нужным.И не люблю когда пытаются оказывать давление на меня.
Поэтому когда я говорю,что я хочу быть в форме
☝️я расставляю приоритеты.
☝️Не позволяю себе негатив, отговорки и срывы,веду систему тренировок,считаю свой дефицит,настраиваюсь на работу,что принесет мне результаты,которые мне нужны из года в год.Не смотрю на других.Не слушаю демотиваторов.
☝️Я беру и делаю,стараюсь уже на протяжении нн-лет быть в одной поре потому что я хочу этого!
☝️Я не употребляю алкоголь.Совсем!Это моя позиция,которая приносит мне результат о котором я мечтала.
Потому что хочу!
☝️Я не употребляю сахар,заменителей,и много кофе.
☝️Я категорически не ем свинину!
☝️Я не курю сигареты и кальян!
☝️Я не ем хлеб и дрожжевое мучное.
☝️Я не ем майонез,кетчуп и др. аналогичные продукты магазинного производства.
☝️Я не пью магазинные соки, и coca-cola,fanta, pepsi и др.газ напитки.
☝️Я не употребляю магазинные молочные продукты.
☝️Я не ем магазинные полуфабрикаты,колбасу,сосиски, копчености и солености,а так же чипсы,фри и др.подобной категории пищевой мусор.
Потому что МОЙ организм - не помойка для всего этого!И мне жаль загрязнять этим всем свое тело и душу.
А тебе?
Почему если я хочу делаю.А ты не можешь?
Значит просто не так уж и хочешь.Верно?
Поэтому я и не вижу смысла в давлении на людей,пусть давит жир на тех,кто все еще не может расставить свои приоритеты.
А если и этого оказывается недостаточно,то это уже точно не ко мне!
Я могу направить, мотивировать, подсказывать и делиться всем чему учусь сама,но заставлять,давить и убеждать,выслушивать капризы и придирки вызванные собственной недисциплинированностью к себе же самим - это не ко мне.
Потому что я сознательный тренер и строю свою работу на самоосознании,взаиможелании, терпении, взаимоуважении и трудолюбии с людьми,которые тоже истинно хотят.
#фитнеспосле35 #твойтренер #луганск #тренажерныйзалоксфорд #тренируйсясомной #lugansk #gymoxford #качалка #lnr #спортмотивация #будьвформевсегда #будьлучшимбудьслучшими #gymlife #gymsharks #instafit #fitgirls #луганск_лнр #наспорте #smile #станьлучшечемвчера