haelhusaini tudungraya bawal bawalaslino1 bawalaslino1jepun bawalmanik haelers ezrepost wedding arins artwork bawalviral neelofa mirafilzah bawal2019 bawalaslibyainaazman bawalberlian bawaltabur ctdk tudungbawal tudungborong tudungpeople tudungviral dayangnurfaizah arianiootd bawalbatuswarovski bawalbatutaburswarovski bawalchiffonmurah bawalcotton bawalcottonborong chinitabeauty
Kami tahu banyak kekurangan kami☹️kami buat yang terbaikk utk korang semuaso this for you,guys✨Thanks jerit hehe bagi sokongan☺️
Youtube : [https://youtu.be/mtdNLVyO68g]
Senarai lagu:
1.Fire @bts.bighitofficial
2.Ragaman @faizal_tahir
3.Temberang @aydajebat
4.Hajat @haelhusaini
5.Donde @andibernadee
6.Kill This Love @blackpinkofficial
Abaikan hashtag
#sambutanhariguru #hariguru #2019 #killthislove #donde #hajat #temberang #ragaman #fire #blackpink #andibernadee #haelhusaini #aydajebat #faizaltahir #bts
@lawak_hambar @lawak.teroks @lawak.boring @lawak.hangit @lawak4x4 @lawakucing_
#lawak #himpunanlawakmalays #lawakhangit
“Di tetapkan hati ini kau ku mililki, Di pegang erat tangan jangan kau lepasi!” Tak pernah tak favaorite tak pernah x cover lagu2 daripda abam suara merdu @haelhusaini, this new masterpiece Hari Ini was really2 amazing, congratulations to Hael, @ezrakong and team! .
Hope u guys enjoy & love my cover #coverbyEj and Thank you so much, @waynepianocover for this beautiful music accompaniment for my cover this time. Go check it out his music at Yotube Chanel: Tanscribe A Song .
#rocketfuelent @rocketfuelent @alifshahjamil
#tagsomeone #tagbae #cover #song #coversong #intacover #malaysiancover @malaysiancover #likeforlikes #shotoniphone #love #AktifkanAME2019 #MeleTop #AME2019
THE WEIRDEST RAYA MV WE EVER DONE! Just want to share about our experience in shooting this mv, We had so much fun when shooting this mv, we have to tahan gelak and do a serious expression for the whole scene while actually we cant Luckily the director and the cameraman is soo penyabar The tidur scene was also felt weird bcs kitaorang selalu gaduh with each other maki hamun then tiba2 kena baring kat badan masing2 err.... hahaha but we dont mind bcs it brought back our old memories which is tidur beramai2 with cousins together. GUESSS... What is the harders part Hahaha the hardest part is when ikat sampin half of us don’t know how to ikat sampin. But @___leinad is such a life saver!! Thanks to him! Okay what’s our favourite when shooting this mv is the chicken this bitch was soo behaved you knoww And second things we like isss the catering!! The fooods is so damn sedap especially the lemang and rendang daging Okay we are tired bcs type this long and now is yours turn . Tell us which part is your favourite FULL MUSIC VIDEO IS ALREADY OUT ON @rocketfuelent YOUTUBE CHANNEL ! BIG THANKS TO OUR BIG BOSS @haelhusaini , @rocketfuelent and not forget this handsome guys @namiesmy and @shahmimohdsaid_ ❤️
BAJU MELAYU : @jxclusive_01 @adnaakualalumpur
#nrc #nrcfam #nastyrockcrew #nrcjourney #syukurseadanya #haelhusaini #dpfam #dayanaproductions
@haelhusaini HARI INI berbuka apa
Trying my new stuff, studio condenser microphone from @darling.gadget Klu korang yg rajin buat cover tu mesti nak set mcm ni jgk kan? So check out ig @darling.gadget okay. Bukan itu je, tapi banyak lagi gadget lain tau
#hariini #cover #haelhusaini #malaysiancover #indomusikgram #namiesmycover #darlinggadget #review #namiemsy
Biar rasa ini hanya sekadar engkau tahu aku ada bila perlu
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Thankyou ara! @arajohari .
| @aisy_eizhar .
HARAM (Ajl Version) | @haelhusaini @dayangsayangkamu .
Maaf suara baru lepas buka puasa hehe, terlebih makan lah pula hee
#semuaitudusta #NNasricover #Haram #haelhusaini #dayangnurfaizah #cover #coversong #vocals #arajohari #naqinasri