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"Since the time when, by God's goodness, We were chosen to ascend the Throne of Ethiopia and while We have been leading Our people to progress in learning and knowledge, We have laboured in every way possible with an eye to their growth in spiritual and material learning and knowledge." - His Imperial Majesty Qedamawi Haile Selassie the 1st
#rastafari #rasta #jah #inspiration #history #truth #haileselassie #africa #consciousness #kingofkings #quotes #conqueringlion #judah #spirituality #ethiopia #spirit #rastagram #wisdom #tradition #culture #discipline #world #history #teachings #learning #love #leader #leadership #unity #progress
"Ethiopia, an island of Christianity, is recorded in history as having received first the Old Testament, and then the New Testament earlier than most of the countries of the world. When, in Old Testament times, she received the Law, and when, in New Testament times, she received the Gospel, she ensured that the Scriptures were translated into the ancient language of Ge'ez. From those times to this, various books both of spiritual and material profit have periodically been compiled and written in Ge'ez. We remember with deep gratitude those fathers of old who, as time and opportunity allowed, worked with much care and labour and have left us books for the preservation of the Faith and for the increase of learning and knowledge." - His Imperial Majesty Qedamawi Haile Selassie the 1st
#rastafari #rasta #jah #inspiration #history #truth #haileselassie #africa #consciousness #kingofkings #quotes #conqueringlion #judah #spirituality #ethiopia #spirit #rastagram #wisdom #tradition #culture #discipline #world #history #teachings #learning #love #leader #leadership #unity #progress
Our Majesties giving reverence by kissing the Ethiopian Bible the ancient books with the meskel/cross. THE TESTAMENT OF BENJAMIN 2:26-28
And there shall arise in the latter days One Beloved of the #Lord, of the #Tribe of #Judah and #Levi, a doer of His good pleasure in His mouth, with New #Knowledge #enlightening the Gentiles. Until the consummation of the age shall he be in the synagogues of the Gentiles, and among their rulers, as a strain of #music in the mouth of all. And He shall be inscribed in the #Holy #Books, both His work and His word, and He shall be a #chosen one of #God for ever. The Forgotten #Books of #Eden Tune Our Father Prayer in #Amharic by @binizion_ethiopia #qedemawi #rastafari #rastafaritv #haileselassie #empressmenen #throneofdavid #tewahedo #faith #Ethiopia #Africa #ancient #order #defenderofthefaith #holy #Immanuel #Christ #sacred #teaching
Few years ago with my dreadlocks ❤️
Ph @ninomasi
#dreadlocks #girl #dreadlockstyles #dreadworld #rastafári #dreadgirls #marley #bobmarley #love #rasta #rastalife #naturalhair #hair #reggae #hippie #locks #tattoo #wonderlocks #dreadstagram #hairstyle #bae #babe #beautydreadlocks #rastawoman #rastastyle #haileselassie #goodvibesonly #reggaemusic #rastaculture
"The essential prerequisite for economic and social contentment is world peace, and without such contentment, the weeds of discontent luxuriate, and threats develop." - His Imperial Majesty Qedamawi Haile Selassie the 1st (Art by Jamaal Pete)
#rastafari #rasta #jah #inspiration #peace #truth #haileselassie #africa #consciousness #kingofkings #quotes #conqueringlion #judah #spirituality #ethiopia #spirit #rastagram #wisdom #tradition #culture #discipline #world #history #teachings #learning #love #leader #leadership #unity #progress
•Be born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withers , and the flowers fall away:But the word of the Lord endures for ever. • 1 Peter 1:22-25 #ethiopianorthodox #ethiopianorthodoxtewahedochurch #tewahedo #habeshas #habeshaculture #habeshatakeover #habeshafashion #habeshastyle #habeshadress #habeshastyle #ethiopianstyle #la #christiancreative #christianclothing #haileselassie #haileselassiei #orthodoxchristian #brothers