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Story saw it first ⠀
I was actually feeling worked up/stressed about this set of photos. I loved this day, this shoot, and all of the women we worked with and this moment really called for a more natural, free feel. I never felt uncomfortable once during (just the opposite actually), but I felt uncomfortable sharing them afterwards. ⠀
It’s a weird thing that I’m always so hesitant to mention because I feel like it can be controversial, and everyone is rightfully comfortable, and uncomfortable with certain things. You definitely don’t need to be in a bathing suit, or topless/bottomless, or naked to feel beautiful or create art, and I would never want to make it seem like that’s what I endorse for anyone else. ⠀
I also don’t want to have to explain myself or justify every time I want to post work that I love, and so, I am sorry if this offends you. But this is me and I love the human body and I love dis body!! (I hope we all can come to a place where we feel that!) and this is my expression as much as it is the photographers/creatives I get to work with. ⠀
I was also putting a lot of energy worrying about the judgment of other people when I realized I value my mom’s opinion over everyone else’s. So, I showed my mom some of the photos and asked her how she felt about them. And she said she doesn’t care (“Well, not that I don’t care, but you can do whatever your heart desires. If I had a problem you would’ve heard about it by now”, along with some boundaries she jokingly mentioned, that I seriously agreed with). ⠀
So here I am! I’m over it and If you read all of that, thanks for coming to my TED talk LMAO. Sounds like a lot over a bunch of photos but man, I’m vulnerable about my art ❤