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I've had a lot of interest in Reach-related helmets so I thought I'd share a favorite from last year! Stand by for the two new ones that are juuuust about ready for sharing! :) If you're interested in one for yourself, please let me know!
Casting courtesy of @stony_props_jim of @stonypropsstudiosllc!
#halo #reach #haloreach #halocosplay #Mk5b #nobleteam #noble6 #rememberreach #cosplay #militarylife #military #halocombatevolved #xbox #xboxone
Spartans never die. ⚠It is not mine ------------ Follow me for more @halo__infinite ---------------------------- #haloCE #halo2 #halo3 #halowars #halo3odst#h #haloCEA #halo4 #halomcc#halo2anniversary #halo5guardians #halowars2#halo6 #haloinfinte #masterchief #john117#cortana #arbiter #ogtrilogy #rememberreach#halouniverse #finishthefight #nobleteam #gaming#halo #xbox #microsoft #bungie #343industries
This EXTREMELY RARE sealed copy of Halo 2 Limited Edition!
Follow @haloevolved for more!
#halo #masterchief #john117 #cortana#halomemes #halopc #343industries#haloreach #halo1 #haloce #halo2#halo3 #halo4 #halo5 #haloinfinite#halomeme #halospartan #halofamily#gaming #xbox #halosteam #spartans#blueteam #halowars #haloodst#steam #halo3odst #halocombatevolved
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halo Reach Needle rifle by @jonte.ok !!
(Not mine, just sharing as an avid halo fan! )
#haloCE #halo2 #halo3 #halowars #halo3odst #haloreach #haloCEA #halo4 #halomcc #halo2anniversary #halo5guardians #halowars2 #halo6 #haloinfinte #masterchief #john117 #cortana #arbiter #rememberreach #cannonfodder #halocosplay #halouniverse #finishthefight #nobleteam #gaming #halo #xbox #microsoft #bungie #343industries -
Follow my halo rebellion! :D
@robinson_unsc_spartan_deo -
Follow @master_chiefjohn117 for more, and thanks for the support spartan! :)
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