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ONLY swap for WT/FOTW series
Hey guys!
I would be happy to swap the following cards,
WT pig with pig stamps (but I only have the pig stamps to countries in Europe/Oceania/America)
WT Christmas
WT Taiwan sent from Taiwan,
for WT postcards sent from origin. My cards of WT pig are going to arrive my place very soon, so if you are interested, please send me a DM or leave a comment, thank you!
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for swap Pig WT with pig stamps (Swap w/ WT)
My pig stamps and WT just arrived! Anyone has WT hit me up! Also, because of the stamp value, I can only swap with countries that are in Europe/America/ Africa/Oceania :/ Really hope you guys can help me, since I’ve just started to collect WT cards and there are so many ones I don’t have haha.
Thank you!
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