harriettubman passion purpose betterdays bitemethemovie blackandwhite blackgirlmagic blackgirlsrock blessed dream education grateful gratitude harriettubmanherself inspiration inspirational instagood kicksforkids light love power thanks time veramoorecosmetics visionary history undergroundrailroad delawaresolesisters
Lovie meets Harriet ❤
This picture was taken in downtown Cambridge, MD on Cannery Way. This mural is on the back wall of the Harriet Tubman Museum located at 424 Race Street. The incredibly talented artist is Mr. Michael Rosato.
#HarrietTubman #HarrietTubmanMural #MichaelRosato #LovieMeetsHarriet #MaidenMaryland #DowntownCambridge #CambridgeMD
Taking a quick break to smash the patriarchy. .
#resist #harriettubman #harriettubmanstamp #linocut #linoleum #linogravure #lino #linograbado #linoldruck #linolschnitt #linoleo #linografia #linoprint #reliefprint #reliefprinting #printmaking #get_imprinted #printmaker #art #artist #ooak #lynnmjones #carvecreateconnect
"Stopped in and spent time with the humble artist Michael Rosato and his breathtaking mural beautiful Cannery Way in @downtowncambridgemd" ( @btrdelivers ) #MDinFocus #DorchesterCounty #VisitMaryland⠀
#Maryland #travel #capitalregion #usatravel #visittheusa #Cambridge #EasternShore #HarrietTubman #CanneryWay #park #mural #ugrr #undergroundrailroad #freedomfighter #abolitionist #art #MichaelRosato #history #explore #neverstopexploring #optoutside #getoutdoors #visitdorchester