harvelles longbeach burlesque harvelleslb dance girlsnightout seductionburlesque beauty bobbieburlesque bodypositive burlesquedancer burlesquenight burlesqueshow cabaret classic classicentertainment entertainment glamour thingstodoinlongbeach vintage livedance theatre womeninart womeninspiringwomen womeninthearts santamonica littlemissnasty cherryboomboom hunterandthedirtyjacks rocknrollburlesque
If you are in town come by.
03 May @harvellessm Santa Monica
04 May @originalmikes Santa Ana
09-10 May BMA Blues Awards Memphis @bluesfoundation
13 May @evanstonspace Evanston Chicago
#kirkfletcher #blues #rhythmandblues #guitar #livemusic #losangeles #santamonica #harvelles #originalmikes #bluesawards #bluesmusician #bluesguitar #spacevanston #guitarplayer
"We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be FREE" -Kavita Ramdas
Absolutely in love with this number, and so thankful to be a member of this company, @cherryboomboomtheshow
Next show March 7th!!!
Choreo: @lisa_eaton_themadpursuit
Cherry Boom Boom created by: @lindsleyallen
Duet with: @britta_grant
@msaagency @harvellessm #dancer #burlesque #acrobat #showtime #cherryboomboom #msafam #strong #sexy #women #harvelles #vanessanichole
“I'm here, to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away...”• @alanis #yououghtaknow •
• #thisgirl #amidreaming @djbadash @concretekisstheshow #djbadash #badass #concretekisstheshow #harvelles #thefinestmodeltalent #rockandroll #rockon #sexdrugsrocknroll #burlesque #dancers #rockchicks #partyon #youonlycallmewhenyouredrunk #havefun #smile #livelife
I don’t get nerves often, but I’m so excited that I’m feeling some butterflies for @littlegalaxies single release party ✨TONIGHT✨ @harvellessm Appreciate all of the support on this release and can’t wait to celebrate Proud to be part of a showcase for @womeninmusic and @4thstreetrecording LG at 10:15pm | $10 | @fionacansino_photography