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God is full of pleasant surprises, His presence and moves are dynamic. Join us tonight for our empowerment service, you can’t predict the move of God and what He wants to do in your life. It’s a life-time encounter
See you in church by 5.30pm. Invite a friend!!! #hccabuja #hccabj #homeofachievers #empowermentservice #hccworld #hccglobal #ayotegbe #dorcastegbe
God is full of pleasant surprises, His presence and moves are dynamic. Join us tonight for our empowerment service, you can’t predict the move of God and what He wants to do in your life. It’s a life-time encounter
See you in church by 5.30pm. Invite a friend!!! #hccabuja #hccabj #homeofachievers #empowermentservice #hccworld #hccglobal #ayotegbe #dorcastegbe
"God never witholds from His child that which His love and wisdom call good. God's refusals are always merciful- "severe mercies" at times but mercies all the same. God never denies us our hearts desire except to give us something better." - Elisabeth Elliot
@Regran_ed from @amosfenwa - "No sin is so great but the satisfaction of Christ and His mercies are greater; it is beyond comparison. Fathers and mothers in tenderest affections are but beams and trains to lead us upwards to the infinite mercy of God in Christ." - Richard Sibbes
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#jesusislordofall - #regrann
@Regran_ed from @amosfenwa - "No sin is so great but the satisfaction of Christ and His mercies are greater; it is beyond comparison. Fathers and mothers in tenderest affections are but beams and trains to lead us upwards to the infinite mercy of God in Christ." - Richard Sibbes
Register here
#jesusislordofall - #regrann