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Today I’m sharing a delish, easy and satisfying snack (or meal for any time of the day, there’s no rules!) this chia pudding is upgraded by using Greek yoghurt to add protein and support gut health here’s the recipe
• 1 banana
• 170g Greek yoghurt
• 1/4 cup chia seeds
• milk of choice, to thin
• coconut oil/EVOO
• 1/4 tsp cinnamon
• handful of nuts (I used almonds and walnuts)
1️⃣ Mash half the banana. Mix in a small bowl with the yoghurt and chia seeds.
2️⃣ Refrigerate for 45-60 minutes. After the chia seeds have set, add a little extra liquid to soften the mixture, stirring through.
3️⃣ Slice the rest of the banana into coins and cook using cinnamon & coconut oil or light EVOO then add to chia pudding with the nuts! ENJOY
This combo is super satisfying because it contains 20-30g of protein (depending on chosen yoghurt brand, I used @chobaniau plain) and around 20g of fibre from the nuts & seeds I would recommend reducing the toppings or splitting into two serves if you aren’t super hungry!
♀️ Would you try this high protein chia pudding?
Nice-cream with a plant-based punch! All you need to make this Chocolate Protein Nice-cream is 2 frozen bananas, a scoop of your favourite plant-based protein powder, and toppings of your choice! A Coconut Bowl wouldn't hurt either . For more delicious nice-cream recipes, head to the 'recipe' section of - link in bio!
: @aboutcynthia
Read below for more details!
✅Follow @p.t.pete for daily fitness/nutrition tips!
If your main target is to shed some body fat, nutrition will have to be your number 1 priority. Without the correct amount of calories, your body may not be losing any weight at all no matter how many hours you put in the gym. The better and more accurate your diet is, the more effectively you will lose weight.
Next, you want to make sure you take strength training just as serious as when you were bulking. The aim is to never get weaker. Obviously, when dieting you WILL get weaker, which is totally normal. The trick is, the longer you are able to stick to a certain weight before having to lower weight, the more muscle you will be able to retain.
Furthermore, cardio is an excellent tool to assist you weight loss. Doing cardio means, losing more calories, hence creating a larger calorie deficit. This also means that if you’d like to eat more when dieting, simply add more cardio!
If your goal is to build solid muscle mass and go on a bulk, strength training will have to be your main focus. You want to make sure you’re progressing every week, in either reps, sets or volume. This way, you know for sure whether or not you are making progress/gaining muscle.
Furthermore, nutrition also plays a vital role when it comes to building muscle. Only when being in a caloric surplus and consuming sufficient protein, you are then able to gain muscle. If your nutrition is lacking, you won’t be able to gain muscle, no matter how hard you work.
Finally, in order for your muscle to grow, you will need to focus on resting well and getting enough sleep. The more sleep and rest you get, the better you recover, which then gives you more energy in the gym.
#musclefood #diet #bulking #healthysnack #lifestylechange #flexibledieting #nutrition #nutritiontips #yoga #fitness #mobilitywod #flexibility #physicaltherapy #yogi #bodybuilding #weekendyoga #deadlift #squat #hypertrophy #legday #workout #yogaformen #physio #irishfitfam #myodetox #shouldermobility #mobility #yogafit #iifym
Whats your favourite snack Im all about healthy snack ideas… You can never have enough…
Double tap if your a snacker like me
I find when when I don’t have a snack in between meals I’m usually so hangry that I’m more than likely to over eat…
So I usually have a snack or 2 in between meals…
Here are some snack ideas.
Apple with nut butter
Dark Chocolate
Toast & Avocado
Hummus with carrots
Celery with Peanut Butter
Chia pudding
Peanut butter n dates
Banana & Strawberries
By @change_begins_with_you
Chosen by @foodsile
#protein #nutrition #gains #carbs #iifym #fitfood #supplements #cleaneating #macros #whey #muscle #foodsile #meal #eat#snack #snacktime #healthysnack #snacks #enak #fruit
Double Chocolate Raspberry Cookie Dough!! Tag a chocolate lover, pals!
1/2 cup (120g) unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup (65g) nut/seed butter (I used SunButter)
1/4 cup (80g) maple syrup
1/2 cup (55g) coconut flour
1/4 cup (20g) cacao powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup (40g) chocolate chips
1/2 cup (65g) raspberries (or any kind of berry) INSTRUCTIONS
Whisk together the applesauce, nut/seed butter, and maple syrup.
Add the coconut flour, cocoa powder, and salt. Stir to combine.
Gently fold in the chocolate chips and berries.
Scoop/roll into balls OR press into a rectangle and cut into small pieces (like this).
Eat immediately, or refrigerate for a firmer texture (I prefer it cold).
Keep leftovers in the fridge in an airtight container for up to a week. That’s it! Credit to the amazing @feastingonfruit Night night, pals!!
Hello Funky gens,
Vous salivez devant nos "snickers" maison ? La combinaison du chocolat et du caramel... Oui, on vous confirme, c'est une tuerie, et en version la plus healthy possible !
Pour 2 personnes, il vous faut :
• 135 g. de flocons d'avoine réduits en poudre (au mixeur)
• 4 c. à s. de sirop d’agave
• 2 c. à s. de beurre de cacahuètes
• 1 pincée de sel
• 1 poignée de cacahuètes entières salées
• 1 c. à c. d'extrait de vanille
• 115 g. de chocolat noir
• un peu d’huile de coco
Pour le caramel :
• 125 g. de sucre de canne intégral
• 75 ml. d'eau
Commencez par graisser des moules en silicone (idéalement en forme de barre) avec un peu d'huile de coco pour faciliter le démoulage.
Dans un bol, mélangez la poudre de flocons d'avoine, le sirop d’agave, la vanille, le sel, le beurre de cacahuètes et les cacahuètes entières. Mélangez jusqu'à obtenir une texture qui puisse devenir compacte en la pressant avec les mains.
Laissez reposer au réfrigérateur pour que le mélange se solidifie.
Pendant ce temps, préparez le caramel en mélangeant continuellement les ingrédients à feu très doux dans une casserole jusqu'à ce qu'il forme des bulles.
Ensuite, façonnez vos snickers maison : remplissez d'abord les moules d'une couche de chocolat préalablement fondu et mettez au congélateur.
Attendez qu'il se solidifie, puis ajoutez une couche de caramel et remettez au congélateur.
Lorsque le tout est bien solide, ajoutez la dernière couche (la partie biscuit laissée au réfrigérateur) que vous allez façonner en appuyant bien avec nos mains. Puis remettez le tout au congélateur.
30 min plus tard, démoulez vos barrer et trempez-les dans le chocolat fondu. Laissez sécher et refroidir au congélateur sur une grille.
Conservez vos snickers maison au réfrigérateur ou dévorez-les directement, mais attention aux dents ;)
+ recette : @funky_veggie
Par Amour des Boules,
Fudgy Cookie Dough Blondies (GF, V)
I have finalised 4 different versions of blondies for my eBook, so I thought I’d be nice and share one here to keep you all happy while I take 60 million years to get this book out ♀️
Thank you for your patience in the meantime! I promise it’ll be worth the wait ♥️
Serves: 8
▪️200g tinned chickpeas. Rinsed and drained.
▪️30g @happywayau vanilla pea protein or almond meal
▪️50g nut butter
▪️100ml almond milk
▪️20g honey or sticky sweetener of choice
▪️20g dark chocolate, cut into chips
▪️2 tsp granulated natural sweetener of choice
▪️1 tsp baking soda
1. Preheat oven to 180°C
2. To a large bowl, add pea protein, baking soda and sweetener. Stir to combine.
3. Blend the chickpeas and almond milk together into a puree. Pour this puree into the bowl with the dry ingredients, and stir to combine
4. Fold through the nut butter, honey and chocolate chips.
5. Pour batter into a lined brownie pan, and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
6. Allow the blondies to cool completely before (I suggest setting them in fridge to really firm up), before cutting them into 8 pieces. Keep refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 7 days.
✔️Macros per blondie: 113 calories, 5g F, 10g C (1g fibre, 4.1g sugar), 9.5g P
To tips for making 4 ingredients breakky bars
•3/4 cup runny honey or maple syrup •1/2 cup sticky runny peanut butter (I just use Aldi’s smooth 100% as its palm oil free ) •let the granola mix cool in the freezer for 30 mins if rolling the mix into balls ❄️ •if you’re making them into bars, flatten into a lined baking tray and pop in the freezer for 30 mins before cutting. •let them live in the fridge to keep their shape.