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Lo que callamos los streamers :'v ⚠️ En menos de 2 horas estaré prendiendo stream para realizar el sorteo del código de la pre compra de 50 packs! lo estaré realizando en mi canal de twitch, más información aquí: https://bit.ly/2uYFupC https://www.twitch.tv/tiojarston
Today is the giveaway!
in like 6 hours or so i will be streaming and all you have to do is stay on my twitch channel, farm 3 papucoins (u get 1 papucoin watching the stream each 10 minutes) and then get into this raffle! :D
The prize: a code with pre sale of 50 packs + exclusive cardback + 1 legendary card
Thanks to #hearthstonelatam to provide me this to give to my community :D
Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/tiojarston
In case you already bought this pack, i think u can use it for other region or just to give some of your friend, it is a good reward anyway! :D
KOFT is the best HS expansion ever, it needed to be said and it has to be said!
what is your best expansion?
So.. here are some amazing classic card art.. imo, blizzard started lacking with card art after few expansions and focused on game.. which is kinda not bad .. ill post some cards I like from each expansion every day.. you tell me which one is your favourite.. #hearthstone_blizzard #hearthstonememe #hearthstoner #hearthstonelv #hearthstoners #hearthstonenews #hearthstone
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#witchwood #thewitchwood
#hearthstone #hearthstonemoments #hearthstone2018
#hearthstone24 #hs #hsmoments #hsdaily
#dailyhs #hearthstone_blizzard
#hearthstoneheroesofwarcraft #playhearthstone
#hearthstonelegend #hearthstonecards #blizzard
#blizzardentertainment #hearthstoned #battlenet
The new hearthstone expansion, “LKY buys blizzard because they can’t properly balance hearthstone” is gonna be released soon. We will be revealing 9 cards every week.
Cards revealed:
Neutral: common 3/23 rare 1/9 epic 2/9 legendary 4/12
Druid: common 0/3 rare 0/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 1/1
Warrior: common 1/3 rare 0/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 0/1
Warlock: common 0/3 rare 0/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 1/1
Rogue: common 0/3 rare 0/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 1/1
Shaman:common 0/3 rare 0/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 1/1
Priest: common 0/3 rare 1/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 0/1
Mage:common 0/3 rare 1/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 0/1
Hunter:common 0/3 rare 0/3 epic 1/2 Legendary 0/1
Paladin: common 1/3 rare 0/3 epic 0/2 Legendary 0/1
#hearthstone #blizzard #blizzardentertainment #singapore #sg #memes #meme #hearthstone_blizzard #cards
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