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Hemanjiom tedavisinde son dönemlerde oral beta-blokerler ve skleroterapi ön plana çıkmıştır. Ağız yolu ile alınan beta-bloker içeren şurubun veya tabletin özellikle erken yaşlarda uygulanması yararlıdır.
Resimdeki bebeğimizde kanama ve nekroz mevcuttu. Başladığımız tedavi sonucu hemanjiomda hızlı bir gerileme sağlandı. www.onurgurer.com.tr 0212 2461004 Şişli - İstanbul #hemanjiom #hemanjiomtedavisi #hemangioma #hemangiomatreatment #dronurgurer #ideaklinikşişli #ideaklinik
Happy Chappy
Today we have had our first dermatology appointment regarding the treatment of Bodie’s 3 Hemangioma
As you can see, he was so relaxed and happy, and couldn’t resist a flirt with the consultant! Cheeky boy!
All is good and the Hemangioma are reducing, we have had no side affects from the Propanalol treatment so far and we narrowly escaped the ulceration of his nasal Hemangioma
I am so proud of my boy staying so happy while being poked and prodded repeatedly on a weekly basis! It’s a good job it isn’t too unsettling for him as the consultant has said he has signs of an internal hemangioma so we will be having further investigation. His blood pressure has also been neglected and this needs to be taken with his weight each week so unfortunately we will have more appointments to keep track of!
Hemangiomas and reflux are especially common in Preemie babies and there are some links made to babies of mothers who had issues with their placenta and hemangiomas too. So all these bumps in our journey are just the knock on effect of the difficult start we had. Sometimes that’s a prospect that’s hard to come to terms with.
The appointments and hemangiomas are not ideal, but we have to remember how blessed we are to have been given treatment that works. #hemangiomaawareness #propanalol #hemangiomatreatment #strawberrybaby #blessed #lifeofapreemie .
#bodierayandme #benandem #becomingamum #mother #motherhood #myjourney #mystory #preemie #growingupfast #nicumum #nicubaby #tinybutmighty #momlife #momsofinstagram #hemangiomababy
Hemanjiom selim bir damar tümörüdür ve çoğu iyi seyirli kendiliğinden gerileyen lezyonlardır. Bazı durumlarda erken girişim gerekir. Buna örnek olarak hızlı büyüyen ve bulunduğu bölgeyi deforme eden hemanjiomlar, göz, genital, anal hemanjiomlar, ağız içi ve derinde yerleşenler, ülserasyon ve Kasabach-Merritt sendromu gelişenler, kanama problemi olanlar ve kalp yetmezliğine neden olanlar sayılabilir. Bir de psikolojik rahatsızlık veren hemanjiomlara erken müdahale düşünülebilir.
Çocukluk çağında ameliyat geçirmiş ancak tam iyileşme sağlanamamış hastamıza skleroterapi yöntemi ile tedaviye başladık. #hemanjiom #hemanjiomtedavisi #hemangioma #hemangiomatreatment #skleroterapi #sclerotherapy #dronurgurer #ideaklinik #ideaklinikşişli
Luna & her daddy
Luna’s appointments went great!
We start treatment with #propanolol Friday.
She will be monitored for a few hours at Nemours Children Specialty Care in Jacksonville, Florida to make sure her little body handles the dose well! Then we will give her two doses a day to help stop the #hemangioma from growing & eventually shrink down!
Thursday we had her eyes dilated to check the insides of her eyes to make sure they were healthy. The doctor said her eyes look great & healthy. Such amazing news!
This week has been a blessing for so many reasons. The fact they found over the last 30 years that #propranolol , a beta-blocker for adults, helps hemangiomas in babies is a blessing. Having the insurance we do through the military is a blessing and helps pay for so much. Also, just having the best #support team from our friends and family & a healthy baby girl is a blessing!
Thank you to everyone who has texted me, commented on her pictures with your thoughts and prayers! We love you guys & are so grateful!
Thank you baby for being #myrock & such an amazing #daddy to Luna! @taotao671
Love you baby
Night Night
After a very long day at Alder Hey children’s hospital to focus on Bodie’s Hemangioma treatment, He is fast off asleep after 10oz of milk?!?!?! Where does he put it?! Safe to say the milk aversion is cured for now and he is back to being our greedy little man! #hemangiomaawareness #hemangiomatreatment #strawberrybaby #greedyboy #chunkymonkey
#bodierayandme #benandem #becomingamum #mother #motherhood #myjourney #mystory #preemie #growingupfast #nicumum #nicubaby #tinybutmighty #momlife #momsofinstagram #hemangiomababy
Пример изъязвления гемангиомы - как результат проведённой криодеструкции врачом по месту жительства (фото 1,2). Далее отображены этапы проводимой местной (фото 3), комплексной (фото 4,5) терапии по устранению изъявления (фото 6). Планируется проведение лазерных коррекций на платформе Vbeam Candela.
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