hemes chanel brandname celebrity furfox furfoxthailand glamorous lovecat lovefur luxury paris queen realfurcoat saga sagafox sagafurs snow stars style winter womans fendi kazak manto mark mode model streetstyl allday antifur
(PART 2)
#7 NO COMPETITION. in this craft there is indeed to need to compete. If your identity is intact it must SURELY appeal to a certain crowd no matter how WEIRD.
People are driven to what is DIFFERENT. I'll take #philipplein as a case study here; as outlandish and overstated his design aesthetics seem, the COMPANY is still selling out and opening a new STORES everyday on the planet. The point is ; there's a market for every ART.
My EGBON @seyivodi told me 6 years ago; YOU ARE IN COMPETITION WITH YOURSELF. The healthiest competition is to race against yourself. Do better than yesterday and you will gradually advance to where you ought to be.
#8 GIVE IT TIME. One thing most new generation (Instagram Designers) always assume is that Great social media following precedes SUCCESS.
Trust me that's the greatest lie you will ever tell YOURSELF, simply because 60-70% of your followers are there to save your picture, redo the design or give thier local tailor.. So please leave that mindset that equates huge social media following for success.
TIMING is everything. A 1 year brand might not be able to outdo a brand that has been consistent for over 10 years. He /she must have grown with the clientele-base over these years & gained TRUST.
PEOPLE RESPECT PROCESS. I'm not saying you cant be successful in a short space of TIME, my point is DEEP ROOTED SUCCESSFUL brands we admire like the #gucci #LV #hemes have done over a 100 years and have CONSOLIDATED. The GOAL here is CONSOLIDATION.
In building a successful fashion brand TIME is an essential ingredient.
Please Look up my next post for more TIPS.
Kaftan by @africanacouture
Ein kleiner Einblick in unserer Garderobe. Auch hier ist noch lang nicht alles fertig aber alles nach und nach.
Für mich geht es jetzt auf Arbeit, bis sieben Uhr. Ich hoffe die Zeit vergeht. Ich wünsche euch aber einen schönen Tag und genießt das Wetter.
#garderobe #hemes #wirhabeneinhausgebaut #haus #hausbau #hausbau2018 #neubau #neubaugebiet #grundstück #eigenheim #einfamilienhaus #stadtvilla #landhaus #aufsland #heimat #liebe #home #homesweethome #bayern #dahoam #dahoamisdahoam #instahouse #interiors #interieur #homedesign #ichmöchteaucheinlike