hipreplacement recovery running chronicpain health totalhipreplacement balance hipsurgery kneereplacement agoraphobia fitness hipreplacementrecovery laugh live love mentalhealthmatters morethanjustbathbombs motivation ptsd selfcare surgery chargeyourbattery chronicillness differentnotless doctor exercise fitlife rodilla
I’m constantly playing with the idea of accepting circumstances as they come and challenging what the universe might throw at me.
The real challenge though? To not combat life’s punches with resistance.
To not tense, deflect, or suppress life’s mysteries.
(You don’t fix a sore muscle by adding tension- if something hurts more resistance isn’t going to help)
I flirt with allowing life to “happen”, while knowing full well that I’m steering my own ship.
We are our own protagonists.
We write our own stories.
We aren’t what happens to us.
We are how we respond.
Today strong is synonymous with feminine.
I’ll embody both, boldly.
PS- On an unrelated note- I am getting a root canal tomorrow- ♀️♀️♀️ take care of your teeth peeps. Don’t wait 4 years to go to the dentist...
#yogaeverydamnday #yogagirl #hipreplacement #yogaposes #feminist
I want to say that about 85% of the time I am able to shut out my pain and ignore it. To be clear I am in pain 100% of the time but only about 15% of that time am I fully aware of the extent of my my symptoms. I have gotten REALLY good at ignoring it. It’s not necessarily a choice I made. It’s not “all in my head” either. Ignoring my pain is the only way I can survive my day to day. It is the only way I can try to have any semblance of a real life. If I listened to my body, if I truly gave in to her constant cries and moans, my life would pass by me while I stayed in bed. Even though I consider myself quite the expert for dealing with my chronic aches and pains, I still have days where I cannot shove the constant agonizing stabbing in my body aside. Today was one of those days. It’s so easy for me to get angry or annoyed. It’s easy for me to wish that I was like any other able bodied person. Something that always grounds me, is looking through my x-rays. My doctor stitched me up and left nothing but some gnarly scars, so it’s easy to forget the the hidden map of my body. I forget the amount of metal that I am made up of. I forget the countless times I laid on that icy cold operating table in the freezing OR. I forget the absolutely ridiculous amount of time I have spent in physical therapy. I forget the time I took 30 something staples out of my leg on my own. These images remind me of who I am and what I am quite literally made of. As always, this post is a reminder for myself. A reminder that even though I cannot see past today, there is hope for my new normal. I did not come this far to only come this far. Patience sweet self, tomorrow is another day. .
#cancersurvivor #avn #osteonecrosis #hipreplacement #kneereplacement #anklefusion #titanium #titaniumwoman #ewingssarcoma #leukemia #chemotherapy #prednisoneproblems #prednisone #bonemarrowtransplant #surgery #osteomyelitis #skeleton #bodylove #chronicpain #spoonie #spooniesisters #scarstoyourbeautiful #disabled #disabledandcute #disability
#drprosthesis #protezdoktoru #opdrismetbilgi #doktor #doctor #istanbul #diz #dizağrısı #dizprotezi #fiziktedavi #kireçlenme #ortopedi #kalca #protez #istanbulprotez #protezistanbul #kalçaprotezi #aclrehab #meniscustear #aclrecovery #aclsurgery #crutches #kneebrace #hipreplacement #kneesurgery #prosthesis #follow #followback #deryabaykallagülümse #deryabaykal
TBT to 6 years ago when I used to run (this was a mud run if that wasn’t obvious). Not long after this picture was taken I was told that I would need a hip replacement . It’s finally time, and I’m scheduling mine for October! Looking forward gaining back my ability to hike the Inca Trail, climb Kilimanjaro, dance in Buenos Aires, explore the largest cities in the world, and maybe even do another mud run. I’m 29 today and looking forward to 30!
#travel #travelblogger #travelphotography #wanderlust #gaytravel #gay #running #hiking #hikingadventures #hipreplacement #hipreplacementnotjustforoldpeople #29thbirthday #gaycouple #travelling #traveling #tbt #tbthursday #throwbackthursday #throwback #surgery #determination
Крик души. Накипело.
Пост о внимательности, воспитании и благодарности.
Все, что я пишу в своем профиле, я делаю от всего сердца и бескорыстно, но я НЕ ОБЯЗАНА это делать, но некоторые,кажется, считают по-другому.
Я уже почти год веду этот профиль и периодически удивляюсь людям. Мне в директ пишут миллион раз одни и те же вопросы. Ответы на которые я давала миллион раз на своей странице. Более того, специально сделала пост с самыми распространенными вопросами, и он выделяется среди других, да и в принципе постов у меня немного.
Однако мне продолжают в директе задавать эти же вопросы. Может кто-нибудь объяснит, почему так тяжело прочитать сначала этот пост, а потом писать в директ Ведь половина вопросов отпадет. Мне надоедает, каждый раз отвечать на вопрос, какой у меня протез и где я делала операцию, вот честно!!!! Кроме невнимательности людей, меня удивляет невоспитанность и грубость. Недавно одна дама написала :"почему так рано делали операцию, что делали, что так запустили". Аааа, я оказывается еще и запустила. Может стоит хотя бы несколько моих постов почитать, чтобы не задавать такие обидные вопросы. Или подбирать слова получше.
Идем дальше. Есть некоторые люди, слава Богу, их единицы, которые не считают должным писать "здравствуйте, спасибо, пожалуйста". Где воспитание, уважение, благодарность Я вам ничего не должна и ни чем не обязана. Я всегда отвечаю своим подписчикам,даже на интимные вопросы, делюсь полезной информацией, снимаю видео, когда меня просят, соглашаюсь созвониться. Но!! Какой вопрос-такой ответ, и не ждите от меня развернутых ответов на вопросы в грубой или претензионной форме. Я-воспитанный человек, и буду общаться только с такими же. Буду отвечать и помогать только тем людям, которые это ценят, которые воспитанные и деликатные, не скупятся на "пожалуйста" и "спасибо". Спасибо за понимание❤ #эндопротезированиетазобедренногосустава #эндопротезированиесуставов #эптс #коксартроз #асептическийнекроз #суставы #тазобедренныйсустав #заменатазобедренногосустава #рниитовредена #hipreplacement #implant #totalhipreplacement #hipsurgery #cirugiadecadera #protesisdecadera #лимфомаходжкина #лимфома
How often do you hear this: Running is bad for your knees! The pounding is really bad for the joint! Way too often patinents come to me having been told to STOP doing the thing that they love doing because somewhere along the chain either a physio, GP, consultant or another health care provider said "Stop running, it's not good for your knees!"⚠️ It's time we start following the evidence and stop fear mongering. Remember before making these thoughtless statements - THINK! Why does this invidiual want to Run/Swim/Walk/Climb ♂️ or whatever it may be! Perhaps the obvious reason is exercise but dig deeper! Maybe it's for their mental health, maybe it's for social purposes, maybe it's because it gives them a break from other ongoing parts of their life where for a short period they can separate from those issues so before you say STOP, STOP yourself and think about the evidence!
NICE Guidlines for OA encourage us to promote aerobic exercise, strengthening exercises and advice to follow a generally healthy life style!
Eduard Alentorn-Geli Et Al. 2017 JOSPT The association of recreational and competitive running with hip and knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis These results indicated that a more sedentary lifestyle or long exposure to high-volume and/or high-intensity running are both associated with hip and/or knee OA.
Leech Et Al. 2015 BJSM Does running protect against knee osteoarthritis? Or promote it Assessing the current evidence Currently, we would argue that insufficient evidence exists to identify the relationship between recreational running and the risk of knee osteoarthritis onset and progression. The definitive answer to the question—does recreational running contribute to the risk of knee osteoarthritis?—remains elusive.
Ponzio Et Al. 2018 In our cohort, the arthritis rate of active marathoners was below that of the general U.S. population.
Lo Et Al. 2017 Among individuals 50 years old and older with knee OA,
self-selected running is associated with improved knee pain and not with worsening knee pain or radiographically defined structural progression.
"But the Doctor said it's bone on bone! How can Physiotherapy possibly help with that! The bones are grinding together!" How often have you heard this in your clinic rooms?
A cochrane systematic review published in 2018 by Michael Hurley Et Al. looked at "Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with hip, knee or hip and knee osteoarthritis"
What happens to people with chronic knee or hip pain who take part in exercise programmes?
A search of medical databases up to March 2016 found 21 studies with 2372 people which considered pain, movement or both alongside psychological and social outcomes when people with pain and stiffness in their knee, hip, or both took part in exercise.
✔️The studies confirmed a reduction in pain, improved physical function, increased self efficacy, reduced anxiety and depression aswell as improved social interaction as a result of exercise management for OA.
Overall, people who had taken part in exercise programmes had positive experiences, helping increase their beliefs that exercise could improve pain, physical and mental health, and general quality of life .
Providing reassurance and exercise advice, challenging poor health beliefs, and providing enjoyable exercise programmes may encourage participation and benefit the health of many people.
Ref: Hurley M, Dickson K, Hallett R, Grant R, Hauari H, Walsh N, Stansfield C, Oliver S. Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with hip, knee or hip and knee osteoarthritis: a mixed methods review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 4
Eğitim bitmeyen bir süreç... Bilgilerimizi tazelediğimiz bir İSTANBUL akşamından selamlar ♂️
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