hometutor hometuition education tutor privatetutor english maths tuition teacher science study tutoring usim learning igers kelasmengaji knowledge math aimhigh cbse educators grammar hometutoring kluang mathematics onlinetutor privatelessons ramadan2019 rumah art_accidentally
Korang pernah rasa macam ni? Ke cikgu sorang je. Haha.
Kita ada improvement guarantee.
Kalau sebulan kelas dengan kita, tak improve, cikgu bagi 1 kelas percuma!
Subjek2 lain PT3 & SPM kalau nak private tutor, DM cikgu ok, cikgu carikan tutor.
Credit: @sembang.student
Tag member2 kau orang yang solat tak khusyuk. Haha.
Sampai kesudah tak study macam ni! Haha.
Nak belajar mudah dan effective, jom private tutor dengan cikgu.
Sebulan kelas dengan cikgu tak improve, cikgu bagi 1 kelas free!!!
Tutor individu atau group sekitar area Shah Alam.
Apa-apa pertanyaan boleh DM atau wasap cikgu, link kat bio!
Credit: @sembang.student
Tak faham sebab korang kena kuatkan basic2 ni dulu!
Mengikut kajian, students yang belajar dengan private tutor lagi senang faham, lebih fokus!
Students area Shah Alam, Selangor n KL yang nak private tutor P. Akaun dengan cikgu sendiri boleh DM atau wasap cikgu ya!
Kelas bermula dengan RM 55 sejam.
Tag kawan2 kau orang yang amik P. Akaun!!!
I’ve been received few dm’s asking for private tutor on anatomy and physiology subjects. Yup i can handle it as long as the schedule is flexible. So anyone who need to strenghten their anatomy subject can ask me for details ya! #privatetutor #humananatomy #subjects #tutoring #extraclass #teaching #hometutor #tuitions #hometutor #tutoring
Out walking with Max this morning ♥️❤️♥️ If you’ve been following #Littlepuddins for a while now you will know that Max’s big brothers Conor and Jack are both Autistic ❤️♥️ What you may not know as I’ve been consciously trying to not mention it as I’m still coming to terms with it myself, is that Max is going forward for assessment ❤️♥️ He’s the happiest little baba around but usually has a blank expression just like the one in the photo I took today ❤️♥️ He doesn’t really say anything and hasn’t said Mama since last year ❤️♥️ I’ve been super quite over on my FB blog as I’ve been so busy trying to work with him doing lots of early intervention activities that promote speech and interaction ❤️♥️ It is early days and right now we have time on our side as he is so young ❤️♥️ I would love to hear if you have any recommendations of what helped your child when they were Max’s age ❤️♥️ Whatever is down the line for Max we will face it together ❤️♥️ #love #myboy #autism #specialneedsparent #autismfamily #max #ipbig #irishblog #mum #homeschool #earlyintervention #aba #hometutor #asd
Testimoni dari student SPM masa cikgu mngajar kat MRSM dulu. Hehe.
Nak result macam ni? Jom private tutor dengan cikgu!
Kita ada improvement guarantee!
Sebulan kelas dengan cikgu tak improve, cikgu bagi 1 kelas percuma!!!
Siapa berminat boleh DM atau watsap cikgu, link wasap kat bio ok!