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i am still obsessed with this game
Credit: me
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So this is what I've been working on the last few days. It's the beginnings of a demo I'm putting together in hopes of applying for funding for further development.
If you have experience with 3D animation, A.I or any aspects within game development, I'd love to hear from you!
#barrenmyre #indiegamedeveloper #indiegamedev #darkgames #lovecraftian #horrorgames #lovecraftianhorror #victoriangothic #americangothic #ue4 #zbrush #substancedesigner #substancepainter #blender3d #storytelling #industrialstrategy #creativeclusters #dundeegamedev #3dartist #conceptart #gameartist #solodeveloper
#Repost He's so worry about Marvin,aww..how cute he is ❤ i can't handle myself he's to cute and hot #leonscottkennedy #leonkennedy #leonskennedy #adawong #claireredfield #chrisredfield #sherrybirkin #williambirkin #anettebirkin #hunk #biohazard #biohazard2remake #biohazard2 #residentevil #residentevil2 #residentevil2remake #games #horrorgames #playstation4 #playstation