hubbelldonohue figureskating iceskating madisonhubbell starsonice zacharydonohue soi19 starsonice2019 icedance teamusa figureskater davisandwhite bradietennell ashleywagner mirainagasu jeremyabbott skating olympian athlete meryldavis charliewhite jasonbrown shibsibs maiashibutani dance icedancing patinage sportphotography zacharydonohue
Watching Madi and Zach is like watching Fireworks on Ice! Happy Fourth from @oniceperspectives and @starsonice!
__⛸ @splashmadison @zachtdonohue
__ by Jordan @oniceperspectives
__ Oats In The Water - @bhwrd
#benhoward #oatsinthewater #madisonhubbell #zacharydonohue #teamusa @teamusa #usfigureskating #dedicationworks #isufigureskating #olympian #olympics #folkmusic #musicismagic #starsonice #pyeongchang2018 #winterolympics #acrobat #gymnastics #dancelift #partnerworkout #acroyoga #icedance #icedancing #hubbelldonohue #zhiyun #gimbal #sports #gymnast #videography #fireworks
BONUS! T is for twizzle. Last year at this time, we were all watching ice dancing. It's pretty great. But I see attitudes and arabesques, pirouettes and penchés when I watch. So, this wants to know: are twizzles the chainé turns of ice dance? And do you call it port de bras or are they just... arms?
⛸: @tessavirtue17 & @scottmoir14 // @maiashibutani & @alexshibutani // @splashmadison & @zachtdonohue
: @ice_skate_insta // @figure_skatingvideo // @icedance.posts .
#twizzles #icedancing #tessavirtue #scottmoir #virtuemoir #maiashibutani #alexshibutani #shibsibs #madisonhubbell #zacharydonohue #hubbelldonohue #⛸ #goingtotheballet
Wishing these guys the best of luck at World Team Trophy in Fukuoka! And thanks for having me last week .
__⛸ @gabriellapapadakis @guillaume_cizeron @splashmadison @zachtdonohue
__ by Jordan @oniceperspectives
#isufigureskating #teamusa #fukuoka #madisonhubbell #zacharydonohue #gabriellapapadakis #guillaumecizeron #hubbelldonohue #papadakiscizeron #icedance #icedancing #icedancer #worldfigure #eurofigure #figureskating #iceskating #pattinaggioartistico #starsonice #oniceperspectives #figureskater #iceskater #gpfigure #winterolympics #patinaje #patinage #patinajeartistico #patinageartistique #フィギュアスケート #фигурноекатание #pyeongchang2018
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to interview the lovely @splashmadison and @zachtdonohue backstage at @starsonice Speaking candidly with these two about touring, their goals for next season, and the lessons they learned the hard way this past year, I got to know these champion skaters a bit better, and I can honestly say that they were two of the most delightful people I've ever had the pleasure of speaking with. Even if you don't feel like reading all of their wonderful, lengthy answers, I urge you to scroll down to the lightning round section to experience these guys' witty banter, playful partnership, and interesting opinions (including which vegetable they think the other is most like) firsthand. Thanks again, Madi + Zach!! Link in bio #StarsOnIce #SOI19