“It started when my uncle told me about a job at a local bar,” Diana (name changed) said. There came a day when the bar owners threatened her with violence and extortion unless she sold herself to bar customers. “One weekend I was raped 50 times by men from my community that I knew,” Diana said.
She was eventually rescued by the police. Because her family was not safe to return to, she was placed in one of O.U.R.’s partnering aftercare homes in South America.
On a recent community outing with her aftercare home and our team, she explained that she was treated so well by the police unit that rescued her, that her biggest dream is to become a police officer and help other girls that are enslaved.
That night, many of the survivors and their staff went swimming at the nearby pool as a part of a community outing. Diana had never been swimming before, but that didn’t stop her from getting in anyway. We believe that her firm desire to get outside of her comfort zone will help her reach her hopes and dreams. We love her power to overcome. See our link in profile for full story.
Documentary filmmaker Katrina Browne talked about how all white Americans are responsible for reparations, including those whose ancestors immigrated from Europe after slavery in the U.S. ended.
Brown’s documentary “Traces of the Trade” follows her and nine relatives as they explore their history as descendants of one of the largest slave-trading families in U.S. history.
She sat alongside Danny Glover, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Cory Booker and others to discuss reparations at a House Judiciary Committee hearing.
#whiteamericans #reparations #africanamerican #history #americanhistory #europe #justice #freedom #humantrafficking #blackhistory
Jessica Mass recently conducted a two-day training in New Mexico on how to spot human trafficking near the border.
Her audience included around 100 volunteers, first responders, clergy, medical professionals and political figures. Since NM houses many refugees seeking shelter, it is important for these helpers to hopefully prevent trafficking stateside, and be aware of signs of trafficking that might have happened en route. We have a team of volunteers that is offering ongoing support, and O.U.R. is providing humanitarian aid.
"The training was well received. ... We wanted to make sure that the first responders and the shelter workers were adequately trained in how to identify human trafficking, what to look for and questions to ask," Mass said of the May 6-7 event. "This was not a political training but one to help protect those coming to the United States so they do not fall prey to traffickers." It is our goal to protect victims from sex trafficking, regardless of what side of the border they stand." #PutChildrenFirst
نگاهش را دنبال کردم. او راسخ و استوار به مانیتور خاموشِ داخل واگن، خیره مانده بود. پیرزنی که چادرش را فرش زیر نشیمنگاهش کرده بود خیره به من زمزمه کنان گفت: زمونه بدی شده. هرکس از یکچیزی تو زندگی زجر می کشه.
نگاهمو از دخترک دزدیدم و به پیرزن دوختم و گفتم: (ولی من فکر می کنم اون داره توی سیاهی مانیتور خودش و میبینه و با دنیای پنهان خودش درگیره). پیرزن چشمهاشو نازک کرد و گفت: (خب که چی؟ خودش و تو دنیای تاریک نگاه نکنه این همه آیینه). من که فکر می کردم پیرزن کلام فلسفیم را به سادگی درک کرده با لبخند گشادی گفتم: (بله بله حق با شماس) و با تُرش رویی صورتمو برگرداندم.
پیرزن هم که از هم صحبتی با من لذت وافری برده بود زیر لب گفت: (توم لنگه این یکی، یک تخته ات کمه!)
#artdirection #Walmart #cakeart #artnerd #woodart #artistry #artiste #fashionart #tart #partyideas #study #lovelife #love #loves #humantrafficking #crystals #womanempowerment #peopleofwalmart #metro #metropcs #metroid #subwaysurfers #storytimethreads #iraniangirl #world
Awareness is doing the work! To learn more and see the full #TIPReport, click the link in our bio. ❌ #enditmovement
It’s here! Yesterday, @SecPompeo released the 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report. Why does the #TIPReport matter?
1. It shines a light on slavery around the world and what is being done to END IT.
2. It has the power to motivate countries to combat human trafficking.
Take Action: Use your voice to urge your elected leaders to protect the integrity of the TIP Report and fund the response to human trafficking!
#statedepartment #humantrafficking #endslavery #takeaction #traffickinginpersons
Honored to join my fellow #GRACECommission members this morning to discuss #humantrafficking with Georgia’s municipal officials. Sadly, this issue affects people in every corner of our state. Thank you, @gacities for highlighting this important fight! By working together, we can end this terrible industry once and for all.
Last week, O.U.R.’s President of Operations, Jon Lines, attended a national gathering of the nation’s most prolific and committed child exploitation investigators. This elite skilled and dedicated unit from Utah stopped by to say hello to O.U.R. to express sincere gratitude for the support we have provided in the form of training, tools, and technology, which has resulted in the arrest of scores of predators in Utah. #EndHumanTrafficking
I’m participating in the @deliverfund #PaintItRedChallenge to raise awareness for human trafficking in America.
I challenge the following people to join me by painting a nail red and posting it on their social media with the hashtag #PaintItRedChallenge.
@katebosworth @dayssi.ok @heidiliddell @skinnybikini @louiselinton @thealisteele @hensi.morris @goodjillhunting @hkcameraface @jennielusko @tnetzer @juliesteigler @icecreamandcupcake @rachel_erickson18 .
Please join us!
Human trafficking isn’t like what you see in the movies. It’s not always people being transported in shipping containers or being kidnapped and sent to third world countries.
The reality is: #ItHappensHere.
But with DeliverFund, it can end here. Swipe left on my photo to see the alarming statistics.
DeliverFund is a nonprofit intelligence organization that gives law enforcement in America the tools to locate and arrest human traffickers and free their victims. When you donate to DeliverFund, you’re playing a direct role in the fight against this evil at home. .
Take action at: ItHappensHere.deliverfund.org
#Nonprofit #Charity #Philanthropy #Activism #ItEndsHere #HumanRights #Trafficking #HumanTrafficking #EndModernDaySlavery #EndSlavery #CounterHumanTrafficking #LawEnforcement #DeliverFund #CrushingEvil