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When you do things with passion you become unstoppable ... it was lots of work, sacrifices, sleepless nights, tears, and moments of anxiety but my 2nd Masters is now complete ✅ Thank you to everyone who cheered me on, lifted me up and believed in me .
#mentalhealthcounselor #huntercollege #moreinitials #anotherone #classof2019 #hotterbyonedegree #mastersmasters #done #latina #mujer #women #educated #womenpower #beautyandbrains #immigrant #latinapower #sumacumlaude #honors
Congratulations on getting your masters! Thank you for always teaching me that there is no limit to the things that I could accomplish. Thank you for showing me that anything is possible with dedication, hard work, and passion. Thank you for pushing me to be the best version of myself. Thank you for teaching me to love, accept, and care for myself and those around me. Thank you for sacrificing so much to make my dreams come true. And finally, thank you for making YOUR dream come true. You are an inspiration ✨ I love you more than life itself
• #masters #hunter #huntercollege #msw #socialworker #grad #mom
.. • When I started school in another country never thought I’ll be graduating in #NewYork specially at Madison Square Garden. Bachelor in Economics and minor in #Music .. Thank you mom, Hunter College and everybody that has helped me through this time. #HunterGrad First one in my family to graduate .. • Cuando empecé la escuela en otro país, nunca pensé que me graduaría en #NuevaYork , especialmente en el #MadisonSquareGarden ⏳. Licenciado en Economía y especialización en #Musica .. Gracias mamá, #HunterCollege y a todos los que me han ayudado durante este tiempo. Primero de la familia en graduarme. ————————-
- The harder the course, the more rewarding the triumph. - Cuanto más duro sea el rumbo, más recompensará el triunfo.
• Great speech #HillaryClinton . • Gran discurso Hillary Clinton .