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Paint all the things black!
It’s Monday and I’m still sick, but I finally got some black paint on the #barndoor AND my hallway closet door! Progress is being made over here... slowly but surely!
Which is a good reminder for a little #MondayMotivation... A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up To Big AWESOME Results! So keep going!!! You got this!!!
So what do you think of the black? #blackpaint #barndoor #modern
A little sick..A lot exhausted... but I had to push through and repaint the hall tree for my customer today. For all of you who highly recommended an HVLP paint system from my last post about paint systems.. I see why. This machine is a dream. I’m off to take some NyQuil and cross my fingers I am better tomorrow.
#stayathomemom #femalewoodworker #femaleentrepreneur #diynetwork #diy #make #create #mondaymotivation #woodworking #woodworker #sahm #garyvee #hvlp #impressed #work #smallbusiness #handmade #wood #wooden #build #girlsthatbuild #az #cali #mondaymotivation #workhard
Ready lagi bos terbatas baca sampai selesai ➡️➡️➡️
▪︎Spray gun nozle 1.0 ada 35pcs @200k free Ongkir jawa
▪︎masker 11pcs @110k
▪︎filter 10pcs @50k
▪︎coupler/conector @10k
▪︎kertas decal transparan polos 6pack (60pcs)
▪︎bahan karbon tetep ready full
▪︎▪︎1 paket = sprayGun+filter+coupler @250k
Yg berminat silahkan DM terlebih dahulu ,saya utamakan yg kemaren udh DM minat beli
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#karbonkevlar #woodpanel #spraygun
#hvlp #paint #airbrush
Paint Life Gals spraying with the Apollo HVLP paint sprayer. Women representing at the Paint Life Cabinet Academy.
#paintlife #womenpainters #apollo #hvlp #paintsprayer #innovative #paintingtools #contractorslife #paintcontractor #apollohvlp #trades #painter #lovetopaint #hvlplife #wespray #igvideos #coolvids #idahopainter #pntr #highvolume #lowpressure
Geser ➡️➡️➡️➡️
Barang ready ya bukan PO . yg kemaren udh pesen bisa langsung Wa. Merk Kmoon nozle 1.0
Murah saja 200k free ongkir Jawa .masker 3M 110k belum ongkir . Wa 085642173873
#watertransferprinting #hydrographics #bahankarbon #karbon #jasakarbonprinting #boomerzartmodified #korbankarbon #modifikasi #thailook #indonesiamodifikasi #boyolalimodifikasi #ototrend #hydrodipping #mothairacing #mothaistyle #waterprintingindonesia #minininjas #boyolalihits
#karbonkevlar #woodpanel #spraygun
#hvlp #paint #airbrush
So I have spent some time with this Graco Finish Pro 9.5 HVLP @gracopaintsprayers system and wanted to give you some of my impressions. First, is the power. Coming from a 3 stage system, which I had to thin most pigmented finishes and also water borne poly finishes, this unit has more than enough power to handle these thick finishes with ease. The unit also has a very handy function called "Smart Start" where the unit will turn itself on when you squeeze the trigger and turn itself off when the trigger is released after about 15 seconds or so. You can also adjust the power of the unit from the front with a dial.
The gun is also a joy to use. It has a disposable cup that crushes itself inside the main cup. This allows the gun to be easily used upside down. You can also spin the paint cup upside down so it sits on top of the gun instead of underneath if you have a need to. This gun is extremely quick and easy to clean, and requires no tools to disassemble. Also included is on board storage for the different needles and caps. And of course you can change then amount of fluid and the size of the spray pattern from the gun.
I only have experience using 3 different systems, and this is by far the best I have used. It's power and ease of use with different finishes allows me to spray like a pro. If you are looking to "up" your finishing game and don't have room for a large compressor in your shop, you should definitely keep this HVLP system on your short list. And it's made in the USA.
#notanad #notsponsored #hvlp #hvlpspraygun #hvlpspraying
That’s the best way to end the week and this jobsite! Giving a great finish to those skirting boards. No doubt this @graco_contractor_club finishpro 9,5 does the job! I diluted the paint at 25% and used the needle 4.
Good weekend IG!
voilà la meilleure façon de finir la semaine et ce chantier ! Donner à ces plinthes une superbe finition. Aucun doute le @graco_contractor_club finish pro 9,5 fait le travail! J’ai dilué la peinture à 25% et ai utilisé l’aiguille numéro 4. Bon week-end insta!!.
@graco_contractor_club @gracopaintsprayers @tesa_france_professional #oakflooring #contractorslife #jobwelldone #frenchrenovation #lesspraycialistes #graco #gracocontractorclub #gracopaintsprayers #painterslife #paintlife #peintreenbatiment #artisan #diy #craftsman #peintre #spray #airless #hvlp