hyperionserver ffxiv hyperion ffxivscreenshot finalfantasyxiv ff14 ffxivhyperion eorzea ffxivarr gpose finalfantasy mmorpg ffxivcommunity ffxivstormblood miqote ffxivgpose ffxivshadowbringers ffxivrp hyur stormblood ffxivhw ffxivsb finalfantasy14 heavensward midlander primaldatacenter screenshot shadowbringers ffxivheavensward katsucon
I put a glade roof on my house, because they allow that now and why not. I think it looks even cuter now. The housing features they added are pretty solid.
#ffxiv #ffxivarr #ffxivheavensward #ffxivstormblood #ffxivshadowbringers #ffxivhyperion #hyperionserver #hyperion #lalafell #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv #ffxivhousing #finalfantasyhousing #hyperionhousing
I got the Eden healing top last night ;0; and I only had to repeat the first one once to get it! I really like how it looks, I wish I could get the dyeable version but I know I won’t be doing savage >.>
#ffxiv #ffxivarr #ffxivheavensward #ffxivstormblood #ffxivshadowbringers #ffxivhyperion #hyperionserver #hyperion #lalafell #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv
I’m 95% sure this is a bug that happened when they where fixing a different bug, I saw something about it in the patch notes, but tbh I am really enjoying it xD
#ffxiv #ffxivarr #ffxivheavensward #ffxivstormblood #ffxivshadowbringers #ffxivhyperion #hyperionserver #hyperion #lalafell #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv #primaldc
I’m gonna mix up the #playervswol and add in a half throwback to when I cared enough to put in effort xD also it’s one of my favorite selfies and most of the ones I like that I have taken recently feature my boyfriend whom I know does not want to have his photo shared, I think this was May 2017, I do not put so much effort into how I look for work anymore ‘cauuuuseeee fuck um alllll’ people lucky if I put eyeliner on now xD #lazy
#ffxiv #ffxivarr #ffxivheavensward #ffxivstormblood #ffxivshadowbringers #ffxivhyperion #hyperionserver #hyperion #lalafell #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv #aura
Got a clear in Titiana, the mount and crafting item dropped as well as the AST weapon, I rolled a 23 on the mount x.x but at least I won the weapon \o/ I am excited to keep trying for the dragon :)
#ffxiv #ffxivarr #ffxivheavensward #ffxivstormblood #ffxivshadowbringers #ffxivhyperion #hyperionserver #hyperion #lalafell #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv
The last two days in alliance roulette if alliance chat gets talky I will throw in a ‘Ribbit’ someone even commented that it was the first time they had died to a mechanic and I responded with ‘Everyone croaks’ I have gotten 0 coms. Obviously Tiny Ribbit is not appreciated.
#ffxiv #ffxivarr #ffxivheavensward #ffxivstormblood #ffxivshadowbringers #ffxivhyperion #hyperionserver #hyperion #lalafell #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv