icedancersaga dragons icedancer crossover comedy kungfu monk fantasy ebook fishoutofwater sorceress steampunk swordandsorcery saga fromthehood thehood ginger pirates dancer hood dragon dragonart gingerthethief golddragon ling military militarysurplus fishoutofwater
For those just learning about my husband's non-musical writings, or who are a fan but just catching up with his new series, I thought I'd catch you up some #EBook #Crossover #IceDancerSaga #IceDancer #Ice #Monk #KungFu #Dragons #Sorceress #Fishoutofwater #comedy #Steampunk #Fantasy #SwordAndSorcery oh BTW on tour he goes my #Mephistopheles or his Romani Romanian names and the same for international musical tours, but as most of his books are in English he uses a gender neutral American pen name, Norton because most whites in America are Irish and Norton is Irish without being too on the head like MC is Mac