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In der Luxuslimousine fährt jeder gerne mit. Aber du bauchst Menschen, die mit dir Bus fahren, wenn die Limousine liegen bleibt.
-Oprah Winfrey- —Werbung— #portraittalents #idealportrait #justaportrait #portraitfestival #portraitfanpage #portsvision #dream_ports #portraitsofficial #portraitpage #peoplegallery #portraithood #portrait_shooterz #portraitstream #wmportraits #photopeoplegallery #globe_people #makeportraits #model #curlyhair #freckles #portraitphotography #outdoor #portrait
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Schönen Abend euch! —Werbung— ☀️☀️☀️ #portrait_shooterz #portraitstream #portraitsofficial #portraithood #portraitpage #theworldofportraits #justaportrait #idealportrait #portraitfestival #portraittalents #xelfies #portraitmood #portraitvision #model #makeportraits #portraitphotography #outdoor #portrait
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Model @joellperry
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Model @yumasheva
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Tags: #alltheoceanblues #blondemodel #peoplegallery #WeScoutUSA #nymmscoutingtour #MWCURVESWANTED #ootdfash #moodyportraits #pursuitofportaits #swimwearmodel #lamodels #idealportrait #portraitsshotz #BE1SCOUTME #WABDE #LOVEELITEMIAMI #курган #modelsdiscovery #makememajor #fabulousshot #marvelous_shotz #CharlestonModel #WillyScouts #motheragent #super_portrait #portraitrainbow
Featuring @sajmon.white
Model @aleksandra_dudzik .
#theartconvict .
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Featuring @ingo_dumreicher_fotografie - .
Super liebe Jessy. Tolles, entspanntes Shooting in der Augsburger Altstadt. Wie immer mit natürlichem Licht ohne Hilfsmittel. Am 18.5. findet übrigens ein Workshop statt, in dem ich GENAU DAS zeige: Portraitlicht finden und umsetzen. Model wird die zauberhafte @alina.naegele sein! ❤️
Model: @jessyhartel (Werbung)
Camera: Canon 5D Mark IV - 85/1.8 @ 1.8
Light: natural
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#theartconvict .
#picturesnme #zavisual #idealportrait #vscoportrait #ig_mood #discoverportrait #portraitphotography #profile_vision #bleachmyfilm #postmoreportraits #portraitpage #igpodium_portraits #portraiture #makeportraits #ftwotw #makeportraitsnotwar #quietthechaos #makeportraitsmag #expofilm #humaneffect #portrait_perfection #agameofportraits #pursuitofportraits #portraitisreligion #peopleinframe
Shoutout to @sotahboy and @gabbycthomas ・・・
My love is yours if your willing to take it. Give me your heart ‘cause I ain’t gunna break it. .
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#zavisual #expofilm #makeportraitsnotwar #ig_mood #portraiture #portrait_perfection #makeportraits #bleachmyfilm #profile_vision #peopleinframe #picturesnme #vscoportrait #makeportraitsmag #discoverportrait #ftwotw #postmoreportraits #humaneffect #igpodium_portraits #agameofportraits #quietthechaos #portraitphotography #pursuitofportraits #idealportrait #portraitisreligion #portraitpage