ieeepes ieee ieeexp ieeecs ieeeias ieeekeralasection ieeewie ieeekochihub ieeeras ieeelink ieeesbrit technology joyofvolunteering region10 worldenvironmentday beatairpollution ieeeregion10 ieeestudentbranch ieeextreme ieeemember link tech ieeecolombia isgtasia morepowertothefuture pescolombia pesud photooftheday powersystems ieeexp
It is just an beginning for new journey. A nice way to give a finishing touch to my journey in IEEE GPREC.Was invited to speak on IEEE,IEEE PES Day and IEEE collabratec.Great to receive momento from Dy General Manager-HR BHEL. Bangalore
#ieee #ieeexp #IEEEPESDay#IEEEGPREC #IEEEPES #ieeecollabratec #Late post
IEEE İTÜ olarak olarak tatili boş geçirmedik! PES komitemiz Antalya’ya teknik gezi yaparak Hidroelektrik, Güneş Enerji ve Doğalgaz Çevrim santrallerinde teknik bilgilendirme alırken rafting başta olmak üzere antik kenti ve merkezi gezerek sosyal anlamda da vakit geçirmesini bildiler. IEEE ve PES hakkında daha fazla bilgi için profilimizi ziyaret etmeyi unutmayın.
#explore #ieee #pes #ieeepes #antalya #side #rafting
Simdi sizin aklinizda iki soru var.
1) Gecenin bu saatinde neden paylasim yapilmaktadir?
2) Bu kiz 5 yildir buraya cigiran videolarini atmaktan yilmamis midir?
Bu paylasim icin sevdiklerim kosesi ise soyle gelisiyor:
@ilterisbkrhn ilk duzgun coverimiz beraber 3 yildir arkadas olmamiza ragmen
@okumusbedirhan you are the one you're my number onee
@mrkutoglu genel olarak video cekici bir insansin
@ozan.yalin kaliteli bir dj ve ses masasi koordinatorusun, nasil title ama yilannn
@crazyastronaut0021 haberin yok geliyorum ☺
@aatacangungor atacan yalan soyluyor kips
#ladygaga #bradleycooper #shallow #itu #ituieee #wip #ieeepes #itubmk #cover #concert #latenightpost #love #listentothis #shoutout #pop #genre #womaninpower #sing #follow
We are proud and indeed very happy to announce that Angitha Maria Mathew of S6 ECE has been selected as the Women in Power Coordinator of IEEE Kochi Hub (IEEE PES, Kerala Chapter). We offer our hearty congratulations and pray that all her endeavours reach new heights.
#ieee #sjcet #sjcetpalai #ieeesbsjcet #ieeeregion10 #ieeekochihub #ieeepes #ieeekerala #ieeekeralasection
The Women in Engineering wing of IEEE MACE SB in connection to Women's Week organised IMPETUS, a skill development session for boys and girls of Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam.
The event comprises of 3 sessions in parallel:
#ieeestudentbranch - #regrann Reposted from @ieee_mace_sb
IEEE SB SJCET organized a Distinguished lecture series on "Technical Paper Presentation" from March 26 to March 29.
The sessions were handled by our most eminent faculty members,
1. Dr. J David - Principal SJCET Palai
2. Mr. Justin Thomas - Librarian SJCET palai
3. Mr. Sabarinath G- Professor Electronics and communication department
4. Mr. Arun P- Professor Electronics and communication department
Date : March 26
Facilitator : Prof. Dr. J David
Venue: Main Block Seminar Hall
Time: 4:30 pm
#ieee #ieeelink #kochihub #ieeecsks #ieeecs #ieeepes #ieeeias #ieeewie #sjcetpalai #ieeesbsjcet #techtalk