ignorethenaysayers ignorethehaters keepmovingforward keeppushing ancestors black blackartists blackgirlmagic blackmagicisblackpower blackmagick blackmillionaire cantstop challengeyourself dontbenice feminineenery getchacheckup liveyourlife melanation melanin melaninpoppin mentalalchemy nevergiveuponyourdreams ontop rememberwhereyoucamefrom rememberwhereyoustarted setyourprice takerisks youngentrepreneur lynchingmemorial changeyourlife melanation
Don’t listen to the haters. Don’t listen to those who tell you that it’s impossible
If you truly believe in it, don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise⚡️
The naysayers try to get me down, try to make me forget about my dreams but it just makes me more hungry and determined to achieve it.
Whatever it is your trying to achieve, if you TRULY BELIEVE in it, go and get it!!
Tag a friend and double tap if you agree❤️
#thetopessentials #liveyourbestlife # #nothingisimpossible #moredetermined #gooutandgetit #ignorethenaysayers #dontlistentothehaters #hatersgonnahate #moremotivatedthanever #believeinyourself #successmore #nevergivingup #dontgiveupquotes
Have you made peace with this fact?✌️
It’s the only way to remain authentic and really make an impact on social media.
You do YOU (as my friend @jenwiderstrom says) and the people who appreciate all you give are YOUR PEOPLE.❤️ The bitter, jealous, angry, misinformed, naysayers are not yours...yet. Someday, they may learn to like themselves enough to appreciate what others have to offer, but, in the meantime, they’re not your concern.
#Repost @michael_boyle1959 & @gotrainergirl with @get_repost
So true....
Thanks to the Facebook strongman meme page for making this and Jon Boyles for the photo. This is so true. Lots of you have seen some of the things I've gone through over the last few years, injury after injury although I've never said publicly before I have suffered massively with depression over personal issues and been on the brink a number of times. This year I've been in the best place mentally for years and finally all the heart ache and suffering has been worth it. You have 2 choices in life. When your knocked down stay down and forever be defeated or keep crawling back and fighting to make it happen. #motivation #getup #meme #depression #fight #dream #train #keepgoing #nevergiveup #ignorethenaysayers #strongman #athlete
~ Rule number one: F*CK WHAT THEY THINK ~
Wenn es Leute gibt die dich runter ziehen, sind sie schon unter deiner Würde - das einzige worauf du hoffen kannst ist, dass sie lang genug leben damit sie deinen Erfolg beobachten können
#killthemwithyoursmile #8odergarnix #focusiskey #ignorethenaysayers #billiondollarmindset #enjoy #your #tea #while #they #still #wait #for #a #miracle
1000 TAK til ALLE som deltog i konkurrencen om 4 ringside billetter med fri bar til Olympian Fight Night!! Vinderen er Martin Bjorholm Pedersen! RIGTIG GOD WEEKEND til alle! Jeg håber, at vi ses i K.B. Hallen den 8. juni! Billetter http://tinyurl.com/y33zk3t5
VIND 4 RINGSIDE BILLETTER MED FRI BAR til en værdi af 8.900,- Den 8. juni går det løs ved Olympian Fight Night i den ikoniske @kbhallen til et brag af et dansk MMA stævne Jeg er stolt over endnu engang at være med til at bringe MMA til København og @kbhallen , hvor vi arbejder på et stærkt dansk fightcard. Dansk MMA er hot og vi har mange danske kæmpere som fortjener oplevelsen og muligheden for at kæmpe i K.B. Hallen og opleve den magiske stemning og atmosfære Det skal fejres! Derfor kan du vinde 4 ringside billetter med fri bar til en værdi af 8900,-!
For at deltage skal du:
- synes godt om opslaget - og fortælle hvem du helst vil have med. Konkurrencen slutter lørdag d. 1/5 kl 12. Er du under 18 år kan du stadig deltage i konkurrencen, men vil ikke få adgang til fri bar.
Denne konkurrence er ikke sponsoreret eller associeret med Instagram.
Vi ses den 8. juni i K.B. Hallen i København!
Billetter Billetlugen.dk /Mark O. #mma #ignorethenaysayers #everysecondcounts #takechances #discoveryourvision #therestwillfollow #goodenergy #goodvibes #true #friends #thankyou # #thesecret #fighter #life #teamolympian #teamwork @martinkampmann @hassantorabiofficial @sofiecasparsen # @kbhallen #8 #juni #2019 @viaplaysportdk @budoxfightx @billetlugendk @craftsportswear @bokserpatrick
This is me and my oldest. I had just graduated with my bachelors the Saturday before Mother's Day, 2001. I was 26. She was 11. She had a little sister, my youngest daughter, not pictured. Yep, do the math. I was 15 when my first child was born and by 19, I had 2 that I was left to raise alone.This is a picture of a young woman who had been abused by more than one, homeless, and went hungry many a night because my babies wanted seconds. And I regret none of it. Because it is these experiences who shaped the woman I am now. Who went from welfare to six figures, now working on seven. From no car to traveling the world. From homeless to owning 2 homes BEFORE I got remarried and added a hemp farm. If you listen to nothing else I say, hear this. DO NOT EVER STOP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF. EVER. Now go get what's yours. It's waiting. #grindbehindtheshine #turnaroundstory #dontgiveup #queensalwaysgetup #gogetit #itsyourssis #neverbeashamedofyourstory #weallstartfromsomewhere