ilovesurprise bahau ciksupersurprise92 cinta greateasterntakaful hobinjanghobin johorean kasihsayang kenanganterindah kualalumpur kualapilah lastminutethebest malaysiaku melaka negerisembilan portdickson prudential salam selangor semogabadi senawang serembansurprise surpriseplanner surprisetersayang terbaik terukirdibintang terukirsenyum uitmdihatiku weloveyou chocolatebouquet johorean
Buona Pasqua a tutti voi! E quale modo migliore per farvi gli auguri di questo?
Ossia mostrandovi le 4 nuove Easter Eggs di I Heart ❤ Revolution uscite per questa Pasqua. Dopo il grande successo riscosso lo scorso anno, @iheartrevolution ha pensato bene di riproporre le palettine di ombretti ed illuminanti a forma di ovetto. Questa volta il packaging esterno non è più lucido e metallico, ma bensì opaco. Gli ovetti dai colori pastello sono racchiusi in scatoline di cartone colorate graziosissime. Le palettine sono composte come quelle dello scorso anno da due illuminanti e da 5 ombretti, sia shimmer che opachi. Se scorrete le foto le vedete più da vicino con tutti i relativi swatches! Vi elenco tutte le Easter Eggs disponibili:
Ovetto Lilla: “CANDY” (tonalità rosa, fucsia e viola).
Ovetto Rosa: “FLAMINGO” (tonalità rosa, pesca e corallo).
Ovetto Giallo: “CHICK” (tonalità calde: rosso, arancio, giallo e ocra).
Ovetto Marrone: “CHOCOLATE” (marrone, oro caldo, verde e rosa).
So che sembrano dei giocattoli per bambine, ma vi assicuro che sono molto valide, come tutti i prodotti @makeuprevolutionitalia del resto! Sia gli illuminanti che gli ombretti sono molto pigmentati, gli shimmer sono quasi cremosi al tatto e i matte non sono affatto polverosi. E costano solo 5,99€ l’uno: ne vogliamo parlare? E adesso ditemi: quale è il vostro ovetto preferito?
#iheartrevolution #makeuprevolution #revolutionpro #makeuprevolutionegg #eastereggs #easteregg #ilovesurprise #iheartsurprise #makeupegg #lowcostmakeup
❤️Fresh off the flight from #Nola exhausted with no voice and looking a hot mess BUT COMING HOME TO THIS MADE MY #BIRTHDAY #AMAZING #MEMORABLE AND #MORETHANICOULDVEASKEDFOR #Blessed #ThankYouMyLove #HAPPYBIRTHDAYTOME #ILoveSurprise #ThatSetUpTho #Wine #Champagne #SteakAndPotatoes #RomanticDinner #BunnNBear #Love #WeGettingMarried #LittleBlueBox #Tiffanys #TiffanyAndCo #BestGiftEver
I met the gorgeous @kallista_yuda ☺️ (she actually looks rather similar to the girl in the painting!) six months back on one of my regular trips to Jakarta. At @uniondelijkt we spoke about our love for #PopArt amongst many other things. Kall showed me this particular piece from #ButcherBilly, imagined from a quote — “Find what you love and let it kill you!”, which she wanted splashed on the front of her very classic orange @hermes Birkin.
My unusual canvas is usually multi-dimensional. Apart from taking into consideration tangible qualities of each item, its user, the ways it’ll be worn, or how elements of fun/surprise can be portrayed needs to be concurrently considered. Sometimes merely literally painting on a single plane falls short.
The first thought that came to mind was to play with the word “Find”, to find a way to portray that something needed to be “found”. By understanding that a Birkin is commonly used with the flap tucked on the inside for easier access, I thought it would be interesting to feature this quote on that plane.
As of the second picture, half of the speech bubble, “Find what you love” is shown to all. The curious one looks further to find that the way to go is to let what you love kill you. “For all things will kill you, both slowly and quickly, but it’s much better to be killed by what you love.” #lovefiercely #livefully *On a side note, I research vastly on all subject matters before finalising a concept and found that this quote, widely credited to #CharlesBukowski, isn’t by the famous late poet. #interestingfind #facebookmemes
Anyway, gonna abruptly end this off by thanking everyone who expressed their love for the bullet holes on the back and on the clochette. I absolutely love them too!!!! That was my way of subtly injecting fun and surprise. I couldn’t be more glad with the response. Well, it’s always the little details that count and complete a work, isn’t it? Next time! #instastory
By the way, I had to paint on the clochette that no one paints ever. It’s usually just seen as an accessory which is kept away. #hermesclochette #bestsurprise #ilovesurprise #masterofsurprise #cherinsimworks