imakelupuslookgood livingwithlupus lupusadvocate lupuswarrior beju666 bejukupcake666 beyou bodypositive clubkid gaybear gayboy gaylatino gaypride gaystud gayswithink instagay kenneybofficially lgbt menwithbeards menwithlupus nonbinary nonbinarypride singlegayboy thickandjuicy thickandsexy youngandreckless lovetheskinyourein lupus kenneybofficially
I got some pretty GOOD news yesterday...
9 years ago I was diagnosed with Lupus and for a majority of that time the disease was managed solely through medication causing me to be on a variety of prescriptions.
5 years ago I began to incorporate diet and exercise and teaching myself more about the human body. Slowly my lab results began to improve.
Over the last year and a half, I have focused heavily on #micronutrients that I don't get through my diet and my most current blood tests were the BEST they have ever been! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Because of this my doctor is weening me off one of my medications over the next 3 months and I'll be down to only being on ONE prescription!
#lupus #lupusawareness #lupusdiet #sle #lupuswarrior #autoimmunedisease #inflammation #wolfpack #holisticmedicine #imakelupuslookgood #lupusfighter #teamfitfluent #fitnessjourney #healthjourney