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Successful 1st day of my independent pharmacy rotation! |
Today, I woke up at 5am, took my time getting ready, sipped my coffee and made the hour and a half trek to Oneida Tennessee for my first day at Mark’s Family Pharmacy. I’m so excited to start sharing all that I’ll be learning during these rotations with you guys over on the blog. I’ll slowly start posting after I’ve had some time to get acclimated! Who else is starting rotations? I’d love to hear how your first day went!
#independentpharmacy #rotations #clinicals #quarter3 #womeninmedicine #girlpower #pharmacystudent #whitecoat #pharmacyschool #soontobepharmacist #pharmdtobe #pharmacylife #minorityinmedicine #slinginpillstopaythebills #womeninscience #futurepharmD #phastphorwardpharm #pharmacyblogger #lifestyleblogger #prepharm #premed #med #medschool #paschool #nursing
Ever stepped foot in a Compounding Pharmacy? Here’s a quick a video of how capsules are made. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE US MAKE NEXT? ⚕️
#pharmacy #pharmd #pharmacylife #compoundingpharmacy #capsules #pharmacist #pharmacystudent #pharmacyschool #pharmacytechnician #doctorofpharmacy #pharmacyintern #pharma #futurepharmacist #futurepharmacists #futurepharmd #independentpharmacy #pharmacie #entrepreneur #compoundingpharmacist #pharmacia #hopecompoundingrx
Some call us the Pharmacy Brothers. Others call us the Parker Brothers. Many think we are Real Brothers and call us the Palmer Brothers.
But the truth is.......we are STEP BROTHERS. ♂️
No matter which one you call us, call us today to transfer your prescriptions to Parker’s Pharmacy! : 225-960-2444 .
#stepbrothers #pharmacybrothers #pharmacy ##parkerspharmacy #willferrell #johnreilly #pharmacist #marketing #lifemarketinganddesign #batonrouge #independentpharmacy #pharmd #futurepharmacist #pharmacystudent #pharmacyschool #medicine #funny #aprilfools #jokes #laugh #smile
Dr. O would like to give a huge “Thank You!” to all of the 2,000+ patients that have transferred their prescriptions over to Parker’s Pharmacy! ❤️He also wants everyone to know that your health is safe in his hands! (Hence his serious face as he holds patient transfer forms.) Also, Happy World Pharmacist Day to all the pharmacist out there!
#worldpharmacistday #transferforms #newpatients #parkerspharmacy #pharmacist #pharmd #pharmdtobe #pharmtech #pharmacytech #growth #marketing #medicine #health #business #independentpharmacy #whitecoatceremony #cvs #walgreens #batonrouge #lsu #subr #brcc #womenpharmacists
The goal of providing the best healthcare experience has guided the evolution of Moose Pharmacy from a community drugstore to a modern pharmacy with 6 locations offering enhanced services.
Each generation from A.W. Moose, to Hoy Moose, to Whit Moose, Sr., and now Joe & Whit, Jr. has made building the trust and loyalty of their patients their main priority.
It’s National Bosses Day! That’s right, you guessed it, today is all about Trey!
Person Street Pharmacy wouldn’t be what it is today without Trey Waters. He became owner of this old school neighborhood pharmacy in 2014. He was the force in renovating Person Street into a modern "one-stop-shop", with a compounding lab, a clinic (stay tuned for more info) and cafe! If it wasn’t for him and @thenorthgategroup, 702 N. Person St. (aka @personstreetpharmacy and @thepharmacycafe) wouldn’t be what it is today.
Thank you Trey for providing a convenient, welcoming, and safe space for not only us, your team, but for everyone else to enjoy!
Swipe ⬅️ #personstreetpharmacy #personstrx #personstcompounding #shoplocalraleigh #shoplocal #northperson #historicoakwood #dtr #pharmacist #boss #independentpharmacy #compoundingpharmacy #pharmacylife #TEAMWATERS #pharmacyrenovation #thenorthgategroup #thepharmacycafe #prescriptions #pharmacy #doctors #clinic #food #cafe #onestopshop
The skies are clear for now and the deliveries are in! Use the hint below and let us know what you think are in the boxes. “You can always depend on us at Parker’s Pharmacy!” Leave your answer in the comments. (Contents in the boxes are sold at our pharmacy)
#happymonday #takeaguess #delivery #parkerspharmacy #pharmd #independentpharmacy #batonrouge #freedelivery #pharmacy #pharmacist #pharmacymarketing #pharmtech #pharmacytechnician
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