inspiredbynature indigo clarafuertes handmade love madewithlove positiveenergy beachvibes bear beautifulbedding bedroom blueandwhite bohobedroom bohochic bouldercolorado dreambigdreams gift goodvibesonly handmadegifts hautehippie interiordesign interiorforinspo mixandmatch mixingpatterns naturalbeauty naturaldye oneofakind romantichome shibori shiboribae driftwood
Sakura nedeljom. Našetala sam se danas maratonski okolo naokolo da stignem do ova dva drveta i odatle podržim maratonce.
Još su u punom cvetu i prekrasni.
Jedan Englez po imenu Kolingvud Ingram zvani Čeri ( po ovom drvetu, japanska divlja trešnja) je spasao japansku sakuru.Sakura je naziv za trešnjin cvet koji je nacionalni simbol Japana i predstavlja buđenje prirode, obnovu životne energije, rađanje (između ostalog). Vreme cvetanja trešnjinog cveta se proslavlja kao prolećni festival (Hanami), posećuju se mesta na kojima je ovo drvo u cvetu, pravi se piknik...Slavi se proleće.
Početkom XX veka ovo drvo i brojne vrste jap.divlje trešnje su bile u ozbiljnom stanju opadanja usled modernizacije i dr.faktora.Uglavnom, ,,Čeri" Ingram, zaljubljenik u prirodu i posebno ovo drvo (belog cveta) koje je imao u svom dvorištu u Kentu u Engleskoj je posle dve posete Japanu, uvidevši problem, rešio da popravi stanje.Decenijama je pravio reznice, razmnožavao, prikupljao brojne vrste i slao nonstop u Japan.
Inače, Čeri je poživeo sto godina i danas je u Japanu i širom sveta mnogo bolja i daleko lepša situacija po pitanju cherry blossom-a.
Jedan čovek može da napravi ogromnu razliku.
Kad smo kod toga, jeste čuli za Stefanovu @drs_ko akciju sađenje šume?
Celebrating cherry blossom these days.It's most wonderfull tree along with magnolia.Almost every day I walk to enjoy in a view of them.
Wrote above about Collingwood "Cherry" Ingram, a man who saved japanese blossom, which is a book title.
#japanskadivljatresnja #cherryblossom #cherryblossomtree #sakura #dobacvetanja #ziveloprolece #livelifeinfullbloom #myseasonalstory #inspiredbynature #prolece
May this bring some beauty to you day . °
This color palette was tested out about 3-4 times with 2 failed wreaths and this looked the better out of them all. °
Have a good weekend ahead! °
#artdaily #whenindoubtwreathitout #watercolorpainting
#watercolorblog #watercolorlove #paintingoftheday #inspiredbynature #floralpainting #floralart #watercolorleaves #watercolours #watercolor #botanicalpainting #illustratedart #watercolorillustration
Printing some coin purses this morning ✨ dark grey on heather coloured cotton .
#inspiredbynature #makersmovement #fabricprint #inspiredbynature_ #creativehappylife #handprinted #printedbyhand #pickprettypaints #leafprint #fabricprint #printmaker #linoprint #simplejoys #printmaking #handprintedfabric #makersgonnamake
The finished painting of the kingfisher I posted a couple of posts back.
One of my issues with watercolours is that I am not bold enough with my colours and strokes. The bright colours of this bird definitely helped me overcome a bit of that hesitancy.
#kingfisher #カワセミ#escodabrushes #watercoloranimals
Yours (mine) is the face that met mine (yours),
When the first light of courage returned. °
A moment this week reminded me that we sometimes meet each other at pivotal moments in our lives. Moments where before we met, a little fire was stoked or had gone out, a heartfelt inner promise was made, a weeping or rejoicing had happened, etc. °
Moment upon moment built upon each other like each leaf building upon each other. From beginning steps to building something in my life I could not imagine without. Recently, I experienced another 'first' moment, a moment into something I will remember from years to come. The start of a new chapter. °
#artdaily #whenindoubtwreathitout #watercolorpainting
#watercolorblog #watercolorlove #paintingoftheday #inspiredbynature #floralpainting #floralart #watercolorleaves #watercolours #watercolor #botanicalpainting #illustratedart #watercolorillustration
So, meine liebe Dana @justme_dana - wenn du denkst, dass ich nach den ganzen Jahren, die wir uns nun auf Insta schon kennen, deinen Geburtstag vergessen habe - neeee - natürlich nicht
Und daher lasse ich alle heute - ganz speziell und nur für dich - in den Stories malen ️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY
#botanicaldreamers #allkindsofmagic #bloomandgrow #hashtagauthentic #createinspring #createyourstory #floralstories #botanicalcreativity_ #slowfloralstyle #moodforfloral #underthefloralspell #inspiredbynature_ #inspiredbypetals #natureonthepage #seasonspoetry #lovelysquares #aslowmoment #smallmomentsofcalm
How’s your week going?
I’ve been looking for a desk, chair, and cabinet for my study but no luck so far... I hope something turns up soon as on Monday I’m officially back at work...even though there are still loads of boxes to unpack!
I did find two more zinc pots for my roses though - it’s all about priorities
on a different note, the sunset was gorgeous tonight, I took a photo for my Stories if you’d like to see it.
today’s sketchbook
#painting #sketchbook #dsfloral #dscolor #carveouttimeforart #doitfortheprocess #iloveflowers #inspiredbynature #blue #bohostyle #abmlifeiscolorful #underthefloralspell #flowermagic #flowerstagram #artistsoninstagram #expressionism #markmaking #floralpainting #artonpaper #sonalnathwani