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Devore esse delicioso pavê com a família!
1 pacote de bolacha maizena
1 lata de leite condensado
1 lata de creme de leite
1 lata de leite comum
2 gemas
1 colher (sopa) de farinha de trigo
2 xícaras (chá) de morango
1 colher (chá) de baunilha
100 g de chocolate meio amargo
1 xícara (chá) de chantilly
morango e chantilly para decorar
Modo de preparo
Numa panela, coloque o leite condensado, o leite (reserve um pouco), as gemas levemente batidas, a baunilha e a farinha misturada no leite reservado.
Mexa até engrossar.
Desligue e junte o creme de leite com o soro.
Divida o creme obtido igualmente em dois refratários.
1º Creme:
No primeiro refratário, junte o chocolate raspado com o creme ainda quente. Mexa até derreter totalmente. Acrescente 1 xícara (chá) de morango picados. Misture e reserve.
2º Creme:
No segundo refratário, junte ao creme chantilly e 1 xícara de (chá) de morangos picados. Misture e reserve.
Num refratário, coloque na seguinte ordem: o segundo creme, as bolachas, o creme de chocolate (primeiro creme), bolachas, o segundo creme e o primeiro creme. Por fim, coloque chantilly no saco de confeitar (bico pitanga médio) e decore. Espalhe sobre o pavê.
#food #instafoood #tudogostoso #pavê #chocolate #morango #pavê #doce #sobremesa #receitas
【台北 • 香港特別行運冰室】
✔️滑蛋治 90元
✔️行運冰火菠蘿油 90元
✔️熔岩奶皇西多士 130元
✔️雜扒飯 180元
✔️邪惡起司撈出前一丁 180元
✔️絲襪奶茶 70元
✔️鴛鴦 70元
週年抽獎活動:抽獎資格消費滿$500並打卡且tag #行運冰室一周年 ,就可以參加抽獎,期間即日起到10/23!獎品是$5000香港來回機票✈️,會抽四位呦❗️
#台灣#台北#台北美食#香港美食#香港#行運冰室 #用嘴巴環遊世界
Lunch pack sitting pretty,looking yummy.
That peppered grilled chicken is so soft,juicy and delicious
Book your next lunch with @teecuisines
This jollof is calling you but you are doing yanga and not wanna order yours♀️ In case you change your mind and answer it’s call, ayam in my Dm. Come and buy food o ayam not doing yanga and you won’t be disappointed.
Let @teecuisines handle all your food needs. Soups, stew, sauce, lunch etc.
The weekend is here, let’s stock your freezers with sumptuous healthy homemade meals. .
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#teecuisines #officelunch #jollof #friedrice #partyjollof #instafood #africanfoodyummy #foodie #lagosfoodie #instafoood #foodieinlagos #lagosfood
#mayzsuccess #luknsee #wevemadeitagainn #wemveeveryday
#thursdaysales #thursdayblessingz4us #plzmaybringlotasales #moooooneymontttth #hustlesjmoney
#blesszzx #naijamaymonday
This jollof is calling you but you are doing yanga and not wanna order yours♀️ In case you change your mind and answer it’s call, ayam in my Dm. Come and buy food o ayam not doing yanga and you won’t be disappointed.
Let @teecuisines handle all your food needs. Soups, stew, sauce, lunch etc.
The weekend is here, let’s stock your freezers with sumptuous healthy homemade meals. .
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#teecuisines #officelunch #jollof #partyjollof #lagoshousewife #instafood
#friyay #netdfty #africanfoodyummy #foodie #lagosfoodie #weekend4dmula #lastaprilfrisales
#magrammed #weipceleb #instafoood #foodieinlagos #lagosfood #naijaboosts
#topnotchbrnds #fridaytohsure
#wikendrules #bebrayz
Happy Easter people, hope you are enjoying the holiday.
Stew bowl looking so delish
The holiday ends today, won’t you wanna stock up your freezers and fridges with sumptuous delicacies. Our kitchen is open
Why not let @teecuisines handle your food needs.
We know you are busy, leave all those cooking stress to us, you rest,we deliver, you sit back and enjoy your meal.#lobatan ❤️ .
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#teecuisines #officelunch #stew #galileemondayblezzingz #eastervibers #africanfoodyummy #partyjollof #lagoshousewife #instafood #easterbelit #africanfoodyummy #foodie #lagosfoodie #instagood #happyeaster #royale #purblinx #istamondau
#instafoood #africanfoods #foodieinlagos
#ultimatemondayholz #easmonsales
#eastermonday #tosrelaxzmon
#united♀forgrwt #jpeastermonday
@hellmannsburgerfest ‘e hem cheeseburger hem de sosisli ile katılıp önünde uzun kuyruklar oluşturan mekanlardan @thepopulisttr ✌
♀️Bomontiada’nın en keyifli mekanlarından birisi olduğu için daha önce çok kez gitmeme rağmen bu burgeri denemeniştim. Çok şey kaybetmişim! Açık ara şehrin en iyi burgerlerinden
Frankfurter sosis de alternatif arayanlar için güzel bir alternatif.
#thepopulist #bomontiada #hellmannsburgerfest #specialburger #hamburger #cheeseburger #hellmanns #burgerfest #burger #hybridcommunity #burgerlove #instafoood #foods #foodie #streetfood #yemek #lezzet #gezenlerkulubu #yemekfilozofu #delicious #yummy
Frying beef,ponmo and assorted for ofada sauce.
Trust the process .
#teecuisines #officelunch #nigeriancusines #jollof #africanfoodyummy #partyjollof #lagoshousewife #instafood #stew #ofada #ayamase #ofadasauce #turkey #officelunchdelivery #officelunch #achifridaysalez #africanfoodyummy #foodie #lagosfoodie #foodislife #instagood #foodphotography #friyaypostvalnite
#instafoood #africanfoods #instachef #egusi #lagoscaterer #lunchideas #stew
#stewbowls #arianzchop