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EPISODE 23: Intersectionality: Understanding the concept and the importance
LINK IN BIO!!! In this episode we break down the meaning of intersectionality and how it relates to those like us. We feel like the concept and understanding is important to navigate through in order for our society to move forward socially. Many times we watch things occur in real time and can’t have productive conversations because many are comfortable living in their own bubble, making it easy to pass judgement and lack compassion. We jumped over the 10K listens mark last week and we appreciate every one who is tuned in to ANOTHER ONE! Thanks so much for support. This episode is sponsored by Sinclaire, a growing R&B artist out of South Fulton, Atlanta. With her music she wants to empower listeners to own their voice, embrace their power, and use that awareness to lead the life they want to live. Follow her now on IG and Twitter: @snclre .
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•PROTECT YOUR ENERGY• @hoodxholistic
In this episode we speak on how we’ve had to learn how to protect our energy when maneuvering in particular spaces. Many times you ask for things because you are in a desperate situation and this leads you to fall for every opportunity that is presented. We’ve learned to take our Ls like we receive our blessings and that’s in silence. Learn to celebrate yourself and analyze yourself to keep your energy sacred and well protected. As always, thank you for your support of HoodxHolistic Podcast. We greatly appreciate it.
This episode is sponsored by Tay, The Witch Goddess of The Witch Goddess Sacred Wellness. Tay is a Black lesbian feminist educator and activist, Mystic, Alternative Holistic Wellness Practitioner & Spiritual Wellness Guide, Tantrika & Relationship Coach, Artist (DJ & Erotic Performer), and Higher Education and Career Consultant.
Instagram: @thewitchgoddess
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Barbara möchte auch das, was Palina hat.
Die neue Folge „Mit den Waffeln einer Frau“ - diesmal mit Palina Rojinski. Premiere Samstag ab 11 Uhr auf barba radio und ab Montag als Podcast in der kostenlosen barba radio App. Whoopwhoop ♀️
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Wow what an interview! We recently interviewed Laz from #barkleymarathons for the @badboyrunningpodcast and he spoke to us for over 2 and a half hours. ⠀
So do you think this year's Barkley Marathons will see our first female finisher? And how many laps could you manage?⠀
Definitely one of the most interesting people we've ever spoken to. ⠀
"I’m excited about Jasmin Paris who won the Spine Race,” said Laz, Barkley founder “I was so excited I went back and looked through all the applications that had been sent in for the Barkley and there was another Jasmin but it wasn’t her. Maybe she could do it."⠀
Itunes - ⠀
Spotify - ⠀
So who next?⠀
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Orrrr. Und seine Haare! David Garrett ist vor seiner großen Tour noch einmal bei „Mit den Waffeln einer Frau“. Premiere morgen ab 11 Uhr auf barba radio. Und ab Montag als neuer Podcast in der barba radio App.
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