interiorcolourscheme interiordesign refinishedfurniture upcycledfurniture homedecor irishinteriors homeinspiration houseandhome colouryourhome decorinspiration fusioncolorstories fusionireland fusionmineralpaint fusionstockist fusionstockistireland irishinteriordesign revamped shabbychic shabbychicdecor smallbusinessireland upcycling upcycleireland colourinspiration damask hospitalityinterior interiorart interiorbedding interiorcarpets interiorelements interiorfabrics interiorwindowtreatments
Well, you know me by now: I am slightly allergic to purple and ‘girly’ pink. But sometimes nature convinces me that those colours aren’t ugly at all, if combined in the right colourscheme.
This palette, found in only one dried artichoke, is something I can handle. Because of the nude-brown and the pale mustard giving balance.
Is there any colour you dislike?
By the way: I dedicate this post to my assistant/friend/partner-in-crime @kim_at37 who hates yellow...
#naturescolours #jmcolourpalettes#naturalpastels#findingtherightcolour #interiorcolour#colourtrick #colourschemes#weddingcolourschemes#interiorcolourscheme #plantcolours#designingcolor #kleurinjeinterieur#flexanl #colourinspiration#kleurinspiratie #farbinspiration#interiorbloggers#designerinspiration #juriannematter #colourswatch
My Camargue souvenir: a colour palette!
Shells from Saintes Maries de la Mer and little seedballs found in the streets of Arles. I wished I had had the guts to steal tiny colour chips of the gorgeous shutters on the Arles houses. The paint was coming off anyway, but no: even for the colour freak I am this went a bit too far...
#naturescolours#jmcolourpalettes#naturalpastels#findingtherightcolour#interiorcolour#colourschemes#weddingcolourschemes#interiorcolourscheme#plantcolours#designingcolor#kleurinjeinterieur#flexanl#colourinspiration#kleurinspiratie#farbinspiration#interiorbloggers#designerinspiration #juriannematter#colourswatch #camarguecolors #arlescolors
If you are looking for a coherent and balanced colourscheme for your interior, just zoom in on only one branche or flower and discover it’s hidden palette.
Nature is a true colourexpert, it’s colours always feel balanced together...
#naturescolours #jmcolourpalettes #naturalpastels #findingtherightcolour #interiorcolour #colourtrick #colourschemes #weddingcolourschemes #interiorcolourscheme #plantcolours #designingcolor #kleurinjeinterieur #flexanl #colourinspiration #kleurinspiratie #farbinspiration #interiorbloggers #designerinspiration #juriannematter
A commission using Seaside starts today. Ooh I can’t wait to see this colour in use. ❤️
@fusionmineralpaint @revampedfurniture1 @millmountcraftquarter #smallbusinessireland #revamped #fusionireland #fusionmineralpaint #fusionstockist #fusionstockistireland #upcycling #upcycledfurniture #refinishedfurniture #interiordesign #interiorcolourscheme #fusioncolorstories #irishinteriordesign #irishinteriors #houseandhome #shabbychic #shabbychicdecor #colouryourhome #homedecor #decorinspiration #homeinspiration #refinishedfurniture #bespokefurniture #relovedfurniture
Do you have shaker style cabinetry in your kitchen? What colour did you go with?
I am loving this look by the very talented builder Rachael Turner from @frontporchproperties
A stunning two tone kitchen featuring Essastone Stone ‘Carrara’ benchtops by @laminexau coordinated with stunning Matt finish cabinetry in Benjamin Moore’s ‘Cheating Heart’. Icing on the cake is the solid brass pull handles from @loandcointeriors . Crisp and classy
If you need help and guidance making kitchen selections for your new build contact me to find out more on how I can help you create a cohesive kitchen colour design.
Posted @withrepost • @frontporchproperties Navy charcoal kitchen island in our #braehomestead.
shakercabinets #modernfarmhousekitchens #twotonekitchen #laminex #essastone #colourconsultant #kitchendesign #newkitchen #newhome #renovation #interiordesign #interiorcolourscheme #interiors #homebuilder #cabinetmaker #builder
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