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Today is #InternationalMuseumDay
A tribute to one of my latest discoveries
Powerful paintings by Georg Baselitz, Hans Hofmann, Franz Grabmayr, Gerhard Richter, Karel Appel, Alex Katz, Xenia Hausner, Francis Bacon, Morris Louis, Anselm Kiefer
Happy #ArtMuseumDay! Neue Galerie New York joins hundreds of institutions across North America to celebrate the important role that art museums play in our communities.
Devoted to early twentieth-century German and Austrian art and design, the Neue Galerie explores the special relationship that existed between the fine arts (of Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka, Richard Gerstl, and Alfred Kubin) and the decorative arts (created at the Wiener Werkstätte by such well-known figures as Josef Hoffmann, Koloman Moser, and Dagobert Peche, and by such celebrated architects as Adolf Loos, Joseph Urban, and Otto Wagner). Two of the principal goals of the museum are to bring a sense of perspective back to Germanic culture of this period, and to make the best of this work available to American and other audiences for both scholarly and aesthetic inquiry.
Special thanks to @Newsweek for recently listing the Neue Galerie as one of the "9 Best Museums in New York City." Tag some of your favorite museums in the comments.
#NeueGalerie #NeueGalerieNY #MuseumLove #InternationalMuseumDay
“There is no other country in the world, besides my own, whose way of life I like so much. I love English traditions, English politeness, English architecture. I even love English cooking." Christian Dior.
We're spending #InternationalMuseumDay in one of our favourite places. Where inspires you?
Photo cc: @clairemenary #DuneLondon #ChristianDior #V&A #Museumlover #Londonexhibition #FashionExhibition #Londonlife #Londonlifestyle #Diordesignerofdreams
It’s #InternationalMuseumDay! ✨ Celebrate and join artist @TrinaMerry’s live performance today and tomorrow, from 10 am to 4 pm, in the Villa’s Outer Peristyle Gardens. @TrinaMerry connects the ancient fascination with the human figure to the art of optical illusion as she uses the human body as a canvas for exploring the intriguing forms, textures, and patterns of the Getty Villa. Stay tuned as she takes over our Instagram Stories throughout the day! Swipe to see one of her mesmerizing artistic creations⠀
captured by @tellerebeller in the Outer Peristyle Gardens | gettyinspired #gettyvilla #trinamerry #bodyart
L’ #indicibile per la #FestadeiMusei. I furti d'arte sono forse gli episodi più indicibili per un museo: mettono a dura prova la fragilità dei sistemi di sicurezza più sofisticati. Ricordate il clamoroso furto della saliera di #BenvenutoCellini, scomparsa in modo rocambolesco dal Kunsthistorisches Museum di #Vienna e ritrovata alcuni anni dopo? Anche questo magnifico monocromo di #Rubens, le Tre Grazie, fu sottratto a #PalazzoPitti insieme ad altri dipinti fiamminghi una notte del 1978. Recuperata nel giro di pochi giorni grazie al preziosissimo lavoro dei Carabinieri del #NucleoTutelaBeniCulturali, la tavoletta oggi risplende al suo posto, nella Sala dei Putti della #GalleriaPalatina. Eseguita intorno al 1625, e appartenuta al cardinale Leopoldo dei #Medici, a cui sarà dedicata una mostra il prossimo novembre, essa esprime le qualità disegnative di Rubens nel rendere la tenerezza e la potenza dei corpi femminili dentro uno spazio vero, anche senza dettagli d'ambiente, nonché la sua potente visione barocca che arriva a rendere l’infinito in pochi centimetri di tavola.
#MuseinContesXt #culturaèpartecipazione @armadeicarabinieri
E N G #InternationalMuseumDay: “Saying the #unspeakable in museums”. Art thefts are probably the most “unspeakable” events for a museum: they challenge the functioning of even the most sophisticated security systems. Do you remember the clamorous theft of Benvenuto Cellini’s salt cellar, stolen from Wien’s Kunsthistorisches Museum and recovered a few years later? Also this astounding monochrome painting by Rubens representing the Three Graces was stolen from the Pitti Palace along with other Flemish paintings one night in 1978. Recovered in a matter of days thanks to the tough work of the Carabinieri Art Squad, the artwork is now on view in its usual location in the Putti Room of the Palatine Gallery. Executed around 1625 and owned by Cardinal Leopoldo de’ Medici, the painting perfectly shows Rubens’s drawing skill in rendering the tenderness and power of female bodies within a real dimension though deprived of spatial details, as well as a powerful Baroque vision of art, capable of revealing infinity even within few inches of painting.
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