ironman703lahti triathlon swimbikerun ironman triathlete lahti ironmanlahti2019 trilife finland ironman703 swimbikerunworld ironmantri swim visitlahti 3athlonlife im703finland triathlontraining триатлон bike imitaly ironbakalin ironmantraining marathoner moscowrunners айронмэн небудькакгриша плывупедалюбегу ямогу 100kmdelpassatore
Post race smiles .
1st place out the water at the #ironman703lahti . Tough choppy swim, but much fresher than the London Thames water . .
The @zone3official vanquish wetsuit and @amanzisquad costume were perfect . .
#racedone #winner #swimmer #iracezone3 #zone3official #amanzisquad #amanziswimwear #amanzigirls #racezone3 #trilife #triathlon #triathlete #swimmer #swimming #swim #swimwear #racewear
So happy here, just seconds away from crossing the finish line! My first ever half Ironman triathlon race ♀️ 1.9k | ♀️ 90k | ♀️ 21.1k | ⏱ 6:38:48 .
Before the race I was mostly concerned about 1)the race starting so late (3.30pm) being a morning person and 2) would my back thigh survive. Oddly I wasn’t that nervous just really exited and eager to start the race
The water temp was announced the same morning and it was 18C, perfect! Did a 5min swim warm-up half and hour before the race and it felt quite good, even if the windy weather () worried me a tiny bit
Had a hard time deciding in which swimgroup to stand in before the start. If I would swim the course in under 40, I would be happy and decided to stand in the 35-40min group. This was a rolling start, meaning that 6 persons every 5 seconds started from the beach and ran into the water
Entered the water and got a good feeling from the start. Managed to dodge a lot of arms and feet in the water and even my sighting was quite on point. While turning around towards the finish line (not the same as the start place) I first looked at the wrong buoys, I was swimming towards the start. Luckily I saw my mistake quite fast and continued towards the finish line
About 200m from the finish line I looked at my watch and knew if I would speed up a little bit I would make it under 40min. And that’s exactly what I did! Total time 39:50 .
#racereport #im703finland #ironman703lahti #triathlon #triathlete #race #competition #raceday #ironman #lahti #swimbikerun #swim #goal
Oon sanaton, onnellinen ja rikki. En oo ikinä uinu noin hankalissa avovesiolosuhteissa. Aika oli siitä huolimatta 35.25 ja nelosena. Ylitin aivan täysin omat odotukseni ja toteutin samal pitkäaikasen haaveni. Ootan innolla, että päästään kohta juoksemaan joukkueena yhessä maaliin. Kiitos kaikille tsemppaajille, apureille ja etenkin mun huikeille tiimiläisille! ❤️ #ironman703lahti #triathlon #competition #happy #tired #challengeyourself
He did it!!! He’s second 70.3 triathlon. 4.53.41 @mattis_80
♂️1,9k ♂️90k ♂️21,1k
#ironman #ironmanlahti2019 #smile
#bikelife #cyclingshots #instabike #trifamily #swimbikerun #motivation #inspiration #triathlon #triathlete #trilife #triathlontraining #trails #fitness #fitnessmotivation #3athlonlife #triathlonmotivation #humansoftriathlon #tri365 #trihood #triathlon_in_the_world #worldoftri #kptri #im703finland #ironman703lahti
Посмотрел на свои цифры на половинке. Немного опешил.
- средний пульс на плавании♂️ - 150 (1.9км);
- средний пульс на веле♂️ - 147(90км);
- средний пульс на беге♂️ - 160(21км).
Плавание не легко далось - это факт. Как сейчас помню, что пил воду о волн и ноги мерзли.
Several figures after IM70.3.
- avg HR on swimm - 150;
- avg HR on bike - 147;
- avg HR on run - 160.
Swimming was a not simple for me((( I remeber as my legs felt this freeze 18C water. -
#небудькакгриша -
#ironbakalin #ironman #swimbikerun #ямогу #swim #bike #run #3athlonlife #tritraining #tri #triathlon #ironmantri #ironmantraining #айронмэн #triathlontraining #marathontraining #swimbikerunworld #moscowrunners #triathlete #marathoner #триатлон #плывупедалюбегу #motivation #мотивация
#trilife #ironman703lahti #imitaly
Транзитка после этой адово холодной воды (хотя все говорят, что 18 гр - это норм). Все куда-то спешат, я, вроде, тоже. Поворачиваю голову, а там Деня с камерой, как не улыбнуться и гори все огнем...
- 4.30 - Т1.
Улыбка продлевает жизнь. Смех дарит радость и тебе и другим...
Transition 1 after freezing lake water... everyone is very fast fast and me - the same... Turn around and see my friend with camera - I can't stop smiling, honestly...
4.30 - T1.
#небудькакгриша -
#ironbakalin #ironman #swimbikerun #ямогу #swim #bike #run #3athlonlife #tritraining #tri #triathlon #ironmantri #smileandfun #айронмэн #triathlontraining #marathontraining #ilovethepain #swimbikerunworld #moscowrunners #triathlete #marathoner #триатлон #плывупедалюбегу
#trilife #ironman703lahti #imitaly