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Land of the Loon parade yesterday in Virginia MN, part of a current B&W project with the working title "The Rites that Bind Us", about traditions that define communities, and communities that define traditions #parades #ritesthatbindus #fujifilm_us #fujifilmx_us #fujilove #minneapolisartist #stpaulartist #landoftheloonfestival #passionpassport #tradition #virginiamn #ironrangemn #onlyinmn #exploremn #marchingbands
Thanks to Dan Williamson - @wdiowirt for helping spread the news! We enjoy giving back to the community! Check out the story at:
#twinportspdc #twinports #superiorwi #duluthmn #hermantownmn #proctormn #cloquetmn #silverbaymn #ironrangemn #squirt10u #peewee12u #bantam15u #hockey #hockeycamp #icehockey #athletes #sports #icehockeytraining #hockeyplayers #boys #girls #wisconsin #minnesota