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Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

Scroll please my lovelies AIFFA that happened on the 27th of April. My make up was done by the amazingly talented @alisya_zaquan I love it my dear. Cantik sangat!! Nanti bila ke Kuching lagi saya cari awak ye. My baju that everyone was talking about that night, guys and girls both, is by the fabulous duo @rizmanruzaini of course!! I'm not a fan of white, but this!!! Cantik giler!!!! Thank you so much sayang!! Abaikan suara sengau ku. Fighting off a cold I am still. Anyway I had a really amazing time at @aiffa_official Thanks for having me. I didn't get a picture with Mr Steven Seagal @seagalofficial boo hooo hooooo!!! It would have been rude to just go up for a photo while the show was going on specially when he was seated right in front at the main table!! I'm such a fan!!!! Oh well it is what it is. #jackiegoestowork #jaclynvictor #jackielovesherwork #jackielovestosing #jackielovestoramble #jackiesometimesgoescraycray #hammertimejackietime #jackielovesYOU #aiffa2019 #ILYDB #MSMCCMTS #ISATMOAOLJC

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

Ntah berapa puluh kali ulang part ni. Sebab apa? Sebab part @jaclyn_victor 's WOUHHH! . It was an awesome performance both of you are winners in my heart since i first hear the song. Tahniah @sitinordiana n #jaclynvictor . Semoga akan ada lagi duets for both of you #NISANCINTA #sitinordianA #teamjaclynxnana #teamnisancinta #nanamanissst

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

Nisan Cinta = AMAZING. Berhantu. I was pregnant with my Molly. I felt so powerful at the time. Dunno why. My baby girl was in my belly for quite a number of major performances. Anyway, coming back to Nisan Cinta, I fell in love almost instantaneously with the song. When we were informed that it was to be a duet, I’m pretty sure even Nana was unsure what the outcome would be as we’ve never sung together before. Jumpa pun tak pernah lagi kot. OMGoodness, the end result though!How beautifully put together. You’d never be able to tell that we weren’t actually in the studio together. You guys are super yo!! @haelhusaini @ezrakong and @ekimchan !!! Keep em coming! ❤️ Thank you to my dearest kawan @alanasosman Aku sayang kau. Kau memang terbaekkkkk babe ❤️ A huge shout out to @raksasarec & @warnermusicmy. Thank you for seeing us through till AJL ❤️ To my heroes @rizmanruzaini for always always having my back & for dressing me up in all your gorgeous creations, I appreciate you. Looking forward to wearing more of your gorgeous dresses❤️ Kakakkkkk @sheila_mohamad I love you so much. You’re a goddess!! Thank you sebab Akak slalu sudi menconteng muka saya ❤️ to my dearest @cikgushafi, you’re awesome!! I feel as if I’ve known you forever. Almost 15 years in the industry & we only get together now What the heck @saiffuldani Cheqqqq. Don’t know how to thank you. You’re brilliant. I love the way you work. Thank you for your patience working with me. My stage craft is kan? I tak pandai sorryyyyyy. Hehehe. Hope to work with you again soon. Terima kasih juga @tv3malaysia @mediaprimabhd for all these years. Always an honour and privilege to perform for AJL, competing or not ❤️ My biggest thank you is for the lovely @sitinordiana, you’re so awesome! I pray for more success & opportunities for you in your career, family & most of all I pray that you are happy & healthy always. Kalau ada rezeki kita collaborate lagi la ye. Mak ON je God bless you babes. To the fans of Nana & me where would we be without you? Nowhere! Thank YOU ❤️ @sitinordianafc #ILYDB #MSMCCMTS #nisancinta #AJL33 #jaclynvictor #jackielovestosing #sitinordiana #sitinordianafc

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

Ada penampakan tak kat arrow tu Dia tengah repair gown @sitinordiana Bila ko dah tengok byk kali sgt. Macam2 mende plak yg kelihatan Dah nak dekat malam pun still layan clip performance #NISANCINTA #sitinordiana & @jaclyn_victor . Memang belum mahu move on #jaclynvictor #teamjaclynxnana #teamnisancinta #AJL33 #nanamanissst Btw happy birthday/anniversary @sitinordianafc I will always support seruan2 undian korang for nana

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

Messing around trying to sing "Bunga" with the original singer. Takut nya nyanyi lagu orang hahahaha. Tapi terberani pulak bila dia ajak nyanyi. Hihi @arajohari #arajohari #arajoharibunga #jackiegoestowork #jaclynvictor #jackielovesherwork

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

Another throwback picture. Why not right? Dear @jaclyn_victor , Its 2019 now, which means i’ve had u in my life for 15years! I am so blessed. I love u all my heart. So guess what... awesome gila dapat start our 15th year Malaysian Idol Anniversary with a show together! Weee!!! Dina akan jadi teramu Jaclyn Victor untuk rakaman Bintang Minggu Ini Khamis ni. Come and catch us perform together! #jaclynvictor #dinanadzir #malaysianidol #dinasings #ilovemyjob #ilovetosing #dinaonstage

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

So I was approached by this cute little boy to record a song with him last year. I was like sure! You know me, if my schedule permits I'm game! The song is called Perfume. The interesting thing about this project is that we recorded in Malaysia and also in Australia. Martin @martinlooi and Gabriel @gabrieljung96 were in Australia while I recorded with Martin's sister Lavender @lavenderLooi in Malaysia la mana lagi Gabriel is rapping in Korean by the way and Martin is playing the electric violin yo!! This isn't the official video clip or anything. Martin was back in Malaysia and wanted to meet me in person so after we had our makan and coffee and all that, we just shot this gatal gatal main main video hahahaha. Anyway you guys, you can check the song out on all platforms Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music etc. #jackiegoestowork #jaclynvictor #jackielovesherwork #jackielovestosing #blessed #jackiesometimesgoescraycray #jackielovestoramble #grateful #hammertimejackietime #jackieloveschocolate #ILYDB #MSMCCMTS #ISATMOAOLJC

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

VERY PREGNANT here and trying to hide the belly, hoping no one would notice hahaha yeah right! It's hard to sing while you are sucking your gut in tau haha but I managed la somehow. Anyway, don't forget to catch Unplugged at 11pm on the 25th of September 2017 on Astro Ria and Astro Ria HD and listen to my ramblings ok? #jackiegoestowork #jaclynvictor #jackielovesherwork #pregnantnotfat

Хештеги на тему #JACLYNVICTOR

#repost from @wontvnetwork . . Sneak peak of WE ARE ONE official music video! Do follow and like our FB page for the full version . https://www.facebook.com/wontvnetwork/videos/460376804468846/ . #weareone #wontv #merdekasong #asadmotawh #arajohari #jaclynvictor #haoren #ericlin #malaysia . . @asad.motawh @asadnizers #asadmotawh #asadnizers #supportasadmotawh #senyum #senyumasadmotawh . @asad.motawh @ashrafmotawh @amirhufaz @beegoodmusic @alfa_records @yjaldjabbar @indonesia_asadnizers @Asadnizers @asadnizers__singapore @asadnizers.brunei #asadnizersbogor #asadmotawh #asadnizers #asadnizersindonesia #asadnizersupdates #asadnizersmalaysia #percayaasadmotawh #senyumasadmotawh

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