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As a mom, we are often told what we should look like, dress like, and be like. Society tells us the rules and so many of us conform to them while losing our true selves. That stops now. In 2018, moms and women are reclaiming our time. We define ourselves— not society. Cheers to us and those who love us flaws and all!! #MomOfTwo #MomOfBoys #Melanin
Some people have all the luck, unfortunately I am not one of them. Nothing has ever fallen into my lap or just been given to me. When I look back on my life, I realize I had to work hard for every single thing I have. Any accomplishments I’ve had were achieved by long days and nights, going the extra mile, and seriously putting in the work. I’ve never been one to make excuses, I just make shit happen some way some how. It’s just who I am. I cherish this chapter of my life so much because I know what it took for me to get here......To the “unlucky” ones. Don’t be discouraged, don’t give up. I promise you it gets better. Keep pushing.❤️
Relocated to Texas from Wisconsin
Stayed down for 4️⃣ years!
BA in Biology minor Chemistry
The Wait is Finally Over ! .
MUA : @theoverdoseofbeauty
Photographer : @sobapictures
#jadarita #travel #blackmagic travelphoto #biology #chemistry #jetblacktravel #graduation #universityofnorthtexas #blackgirlmagic
#zara #blackgirlmagic #saintlaurent #ysl #blackgirlsgraduate
Comfortable being uncomfortable
Outfit: @fashionnova
Photo Cred: @tigerkingdom_phuket
#roadto100countries #weworktotravel #blackgirltravelslay #girlsthatwander #sistersandsuitcases #blackgirltravelslay #upintheairlife #melaninjourney #letsjetoff #blacktravelmovement
#blacktraveljourney #jetblacktravel #melaninpassports #travelingblackwomen #blacktravelculture #girlslovetravel #travelgram #theblacktravelclub #blacktravelgo #travelnoire #blackgirlstraveltoo #blacktravelfeed #blackpassportstamps #jetquest #travelisthenewclub #simplyglobetrotting #blackandabroad #travelisthenewclub #essencetravel #melanintravel #fashionnova #travelwithtavia
They see pictures, they say goals.
#mykonosgreece #bonvoyagecrew #theblacktravelclub #letsjetoff #blackgirltravelslay #jetblacktravel #upintheairlife #blackbloggersclub #melaninjourney #roadto100countries #bllakglobal #weworktotravel #blacktravelgo #blacktravelexperience #westaytraveling #sheswanderful #jetquest #travelnoire #passportheavy #madtravel #blacktraveltube #sheisnotlost #blackandabroad #melanintravel #mytravelcrush #blacktravelgram #melaninpassports #simplyglobetrotting #travelisthenewclub #explorepage