joshuadallas джошуадаллас anthonyhopkins chrishemsworth clarkgregg davidnolan idriselba jaimiealexander katdennings natalieportman raystevenson stellanskarsgard tadanobuasano thor tomhiddleston джеймиалександер идрисэльба кларкгрегг крисхемсворт кэтденнингс наталипортман рэйстивенсон стелланскарсгард таданобуасано томхиддлстон тор энтонихопкинс onceuponatime reginamills beauanybr katdennings
Today it’s the Once Upon A Time series finale and I must say that I’m not sad at all, all that I had to suffer with the show, I already did it, and this show will forever be in my heart as my number one favorite, I’ve already cried for the cancellation of the show and when Ginny, @joshdallas and @jenmorrisonlive leave the show but now I’m fine with the series finale, I’m happy to have been part of this amazing journey and this beautiful show and part of the fandom, without the show my account wouldn’t be what it is, it wouldn’t have existed tbh, this account has given to me a lot of amazing things and I’ll be forever grateful, THANK YOU ONCE UPON A TIME, and THANK YOU GINNIFER & JOSH ♥️
HAPPY ONCE DAY! (The last one) @joshdallas
Tag @joshdallas