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Spent the afternoon touristing with someone who makes me laugh and smile... often and a lot!! Ps: the security guy who took this photo was like: “are u newlyweds”? 10 years and counting(almost 11)!
Passei a tarde turistando com alguém q me faz rir mto e sorrir... mtas vezes e mto !!
Ps: o cara da segurança q tirou essa foto perguntou: “vocês são recém-casados”? 10 anos(quase 11)!
@thevesselnyc #thevessel @hm #hm #turistandoemny #touristing #hudsonyards #meumaridomeuamor #myhubbyishot #newlyweds #notreally #recemcasados #sqn #hemakesmelaugh #isnthelovely #comprinhas #shoppingbags #newoutfits #sponsoredby #powercouple #thatbraziliancouple @thatbraziliancouple #sextouuu #sextafeirasualinda #tgifriday #fridayinthecity #junioenrique #analuizaluizi