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Situation: Ace of Pentacles
Advice: Bear
Obstacle: 7 of Hearts
Outcome: Book
To whom it may concern:
The situation here is Ace of Pentacles, which means that you've begun moving in a good direction in the physical, material realm. Maybe you were pointed the right way before, but had other more ethereal priorities taking your focus lately, such as your developing your spirituality and affirming your emotions. Now, the gears are once again making forward movement toward material gain.
In the image we see a small, child-like elf leading a ram, who is carrying some material goods. The ram is a powerful beast, and its driver knows this but still clearly proceeds without fear, because they've learned how to handle themselves and manage their cargo.
The advice here is amplify your power. This doesn't mean speed up! Proceed with confidence, work smarter not harder. The old days of burning the candle at both ends have taught you by now that this strategy will only slow you down, inviting the demons of addiction to have their way with you. Realize your own strength and make good use of it. Keep a clear vision in your mind of ideal outcomes, but be careful of daydreams with no corresponding action in the physical realm to propel you toward fruition of your goals.
Recognize the abundance you have and know that more awaits you, together with the experience that comes from walking what from a distance may seem like a boring, mundane path. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time, and magic you could never have imagined will continue to unfold, bringing you wisdom and gratification along the way.
Happy solstice!
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Bicycle Earthtone9 от Karnival
«Earthtone9» британская группа, первый альбом которой увидел свет в далеком 1998 году. Парни играют агрессивный альт-метал. Энергичная, жесткая музыка. В поддержку нового альбома студия Bigblindmedia создала Karnival Earthtone9.
Первая колода линейки Karnival, рубашка и лицо которой полностью черная! В свою очередь, ребята из «Earthtone9» разместили в свободный доступ 16 треков.
Дизайн Karnival Earthtone9 повторяет оформление обложки нового альбома. Разработкой иллюстраций занимался художник Sam Hayles. Тяжелая музыка всегда славилась эпичностью и пафосом, перед дизайнером стояла сложная задача, с которой он справился!
Колода полностью передает всю энергетику, вложенную музыкантами в композиции. Karnival Earthtone9 удачный эксперимент студии, надеемся, что не последний! A.F.
Издание лимитировано!!! Стоимость: 990 руб.
Материал: многослойный картон с пластиковым покрытием
Бренд: BigBlindMedia
Кол-во карт: 52 + спецкарты (джокеры и т.д). Размер карт: покерный, 63 х 88 мм.
Производитель: США, завод US Playing Card. Co.
#Karnival #KarnivalEarthtone9 #BicycleEarthtone9 #Earthtone9
Playing cards available ! Do you want one? I can sign them + each order comes with 5 free DOSEPROD stickers! PM or email me for details at sam@doseprod.com
Playing Cards designed by Sam Hayles.
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Playing cards available ! Do you want one? I can sign them + each order comes with 5 free DOSEPROD stickers! PM or email me for details at sam@doseprod.com
Playing Cards designed by Sam Hayles.
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Silva Screen Music Publishers & London Music Works presents '761.2 Vol.1 - Decked. Melodic. S-Design'
Composed by: Attila Áts | Scott Buckley | Oliver Codd | Joshua Crispin | Flaviu Ciocan | Horváth Márton | Julian Lee | Michael H Lee | Daniel Lenzmeier Mirela Magdalena Nita | Darius Moldovan | Nick Road | Peter Vozar | Darren Wonnacott
Record Label: 2018 Silva Screen Records LTD
Release Year: 2018
UPC Code: 738572158347
Playing Cards: Karnival Earthtone9 by Sam Hayles.
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7 Karnival Bicycle Deck uncut sheets for sale! Rare and ultra limited! #karnivaldeck #uncutsheet #bicyclecards #karnivaldose #karnivalcards #karnival1984 #karnivaldeadeyes #karnivalearthtone9 #karnivalinferno #samuraideck #bigblindmedia #samhayles #magic #cardcollector #cardporn #rare #ltdedition #collector #sheet #magicians #pokercards #design #getyourdose