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Listen to this when you need a little reminder. I think it’s brave. I think it’s brave that you get up in the morning when your heart aches and life is messy and you do not feel like being soft for the world. I think it is brave that you continue to love, and express, and open your soul, despite the way you were treated in the past. I think it is brave that you keep going, that you keep believing in something more, something bigger, even when you may not know what you are hoping for. I think it is brave that you fight, I think it is brave that you choose, every single day, to move forward—because that is what makes you strong. That is what makes you strong.
Words @rainbowsalt
Photo @nitishwaila
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Let them be unbothered. Little and demanding and sassy and brave and kind. Let them make the mess, sing the songs, run the races, build the castles. Let them run wild. Tell silly jokes two thousand times without ever losing the humor in it. Ask all of the questions. Why, how, when, where. Are we there yet? Is water wet? How did the sun get up there? Let them grow slowly, because even at the slowest pace, a day will come when you blink your tired eyes and they have done all the growing that there is to do. Tell them: don’t look down. And if you do, and the ground tilts, and you suddenly understand just how big and far and great the world is, understand that I will always be here to catch you. Understand that even if you are perched higher than the clouds, there will always be steady arms to save you should you fall. Little love, may you always feel safe here. May you always be safe here.
Word's @alison.malee
Photo By @surbhikaushik
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I know it seems like things will never get better. And I know that you feel like you are stuck in your current situation. Life has seemed like more of a battle than a blessing lately, and every time you finally seem to make a breakthrough, life only seems to knock you back down. These are the days that can either destroy or define you, and it is up to you to decide which path you take.
I hope you don’t let it destroy you.
I hope you get back up every time the world expects you to just give up and stay stationary. I hope you never feel like you won’t get any further than you are right now because you have no idea how much more you will grow in just a few short years. You will meet people whose impact will stay with you for years. You will learn what love really is and exactly what it is not. You will finally understand the value of being alone and all of the joy that only you can bring to yourself. You will learn to start living for yourself.
Today may not be your best day, and tomorrow might not be either, but I promise you that one day, you will wake up and realize this is the beginning of everything you have ever wanted.
Please don’t give up on your dreams and the life you always wanted for one that feels comfortable or seems like what you deserve. You do not deserve the horrible things that you think you do, and I hope one day you can truly believe that. It is up to you whether you want to move forward or stand still; but know that if you choose to stay exactly where you are, you will never know how far you could have gone.
Words @becky_curl
Photo @qaarif_andrabi
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I know it seems like things will never get better. And I know that you feel like you are stuck in your current situation. Life has seemed like more of a battle than a blessing lately, and every time you finally seem to make a breakthrough, life only seems to knock you back down. These are the days that can either destroy or define you, and it is up to you to decide which path you take.
I hope you don’t let it destroy you.
I hope you get back up every time the world expects you to just give up and stay stationary. I hope you never feel like you won’t get any further than you are right now because you have no idea how much more you will grow in just a few short years. You will meet people whose impact will stay with you for years. You will learn what love really is and exactly what it is not. You will finally understand the value of being alone and all of the joy that only you can bring to yourself. You will learn to start living for yourself.
Today may not be your best day, and tomorrow might not be either, but I promise you that one day, you will wake up and realize this is the beginning of everything you have ever wanted.
Please don’t give up on your dreams and the life you always wanted for one that feels comfortable or seems like what you deserve. You do not deserve the horrible things that you think you do, and I hope one day you can truly believe that. It is up to you whether you want to move forward or stand still; but know that if you choose to stay exactly where you are, you will never know how far you could have gone.
Words: @becky_curl
Photo @subtleseeker
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You deserve to wake up with a smile on your face. You deserve to feel like you’re excited to be alive. You’re excited to contribute to the world. You’re excited about your life and your dreams and your goals.
You deserve to be loved. You deserve to find the person who makes you feel like you’re the best thing that ever happened to them. You deserve to find the person who makes an effort with you and chooses you all the time.
You deserve to attract the things you desire. You’re not a magnet for pain or failures or hardships. You’re not meant to live a sad life forever. You’re not meant to live the life your parents lived. You deserve more. You deserve to believe in yourself enough to know that you’re different. Maybe you’re the odd one out. Maybe you’re the black sheep and that’s why you’ll make it big. That’s why you will write your own story instead of living the same old one.
You deserve to love yourself. You deserve to know what you bring to the table and stop comparing yourself to everyone. You deserve to believe that you have qualities that set you apart no matter who you’re with or who you’re talking to. You deserve to be your own best friend instead of your own worst enemy. You deserve to know your worth and your value and walk away from people who can’t see it. You deserve to believe that you’re important and that you matter even if no one taught you that you were.
You deserve to be happy. You don’t deserve short-term happiness. You don’t deserve happiness followed by sadness. You don’t deserve anyone who steals your happiness away from you. Don’t believe people who tell you that no one is happy or that happiness is an illusion. Don’t let people convince you that life is better lived when you don’t have any ambitions or dreams so you don’t get disappointed. You can be happy, your time is coming, you just have to believe that you deserve it and the rest will follow.
Words @ranianaim
Photo @nancysharma24
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You deserve to fall in love with someone who makes you forget your heart was ever broken.
Someone who manages to find all of your scattered shards in the many places they fell, and slowly stick them back together again, piece by piece.
You won’t be the same as you were before, but you will finally feel whole again.
You deserve someone who reminds you why nothing before this ever worked out. Why your heart had to break.
Someone who quietly manages to replace most of your painful memories with beautiful ones.
You deserve to fall in love again.
You deserve to find someone who is content not being your first love, but praying they’ll be your last.
Someone who restores your faith and makes you believe in everything all over again.
In love, in the stars, and in yourself too.
You deserve a love that lasts this time.
You deserve someone who shows you that they love you every day. That they choose you.
You deserve your happy ending.
Someone who sticks around, and never plans on walking away.
But most of all, you deserve someone who finally makes you see that the one who broke your heart is really the only one who ever lost anything.
The fruitful ''dawn''
When i woke up i saw your gleam.
Your delight, glitter and the dazzling charm.
Your breezes fluttering here and there.
Showing your chilliness felt by my palm.
Your scintillating beauty expanded every where.
Refreshing my heart and as well of flying swarm.
The shurbs were verdure and wet with dew.
Feeling immaculate, fresh, quite and calm.
Ohh! dear dawn enlight me by your grace.
And by your pure, angellic and enlightned fawn.
Aah! the mellody voice of the bird congregation
Hearkened by my ears like the ringing alarm.
Words @mudasir_hassan4
Photo @shefali_1406
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This is not one of the Forty Rules of Love but something that I read in the book and stuck with me. "Stop interfering with people around you and getting frustrated when you couldn't change them. Instead of intrusion or passivity, may I suggest submission?
Some people make the mistake of confusing "submission" with "weakness", whereas it is anything but that. Submission is a form of peaceful acceptance of the terms of the universe, including the things we are currently unable to change or comprehend."
Photo & text by @shorthairbigteeth
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Please, just let love in. Tell people how you feel, and do not worry about being too much. Be too much. Care too much. Let people show up for you. Let people remind you that there is goodness in this world. Be vulnerable, do not be afraid of what you feel. Try to find the beauty in each breakdown, try to move forward and let go; try to learn and believe in new beginnings despite what you have been through. Kiss the faces of your friends, hug their broken pieces back together, laugh loudly and hope loudly and live loudly and be gentle with yourself, be gentle with your healing. Connect, connect, connect — with every ounce of who you are, with every inch of your patchwork heart. Connect with the people who make you feel deeply. Connect with the moments that bring tears to your eyes. Connect with the things that make your hands shake, embrace the things that make you aware of just how lucky you are to be alive. Please, just connect — because beautiful things are vanishing each and every day. Do not let your heart become one of them.
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