Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #KDANILOV

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#kdanilov #konstantindanilov #zmogk #tamparo #tamparobiz #tamparomoney #tamparovideo #вызов #новоевидеокаждыйдень #партнерскаяпрограмма #сервисыдляmlm #abstractart #artcollective #contemporaryart #mixedmedia #graffuturism #artwork #fineart #mixedmediaart #postgraffiti #triumphgallery #abstraction #artcollectors #flashbacksexhibition #painting #ниднябезрезультата #artcollections #gallery #modernart

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #KDANILOV
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Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

Почти пять месяцев творчества в студии позади. Финальные приготовления к персональной выставке в галерее @triumphgallery в Москве, следите за обновлениями, друзья! Almost five month in studio. Final preparations for solo show in @triumphgallery , Moscow... keep for updates, my friend! Photographer: @hinikom #zmogk #konstantindanilov #kdanilov #artistlife #soloshow #triumphgallery #artiststudio #frames #studio #zmogkstudio

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

“Ambitions” 2019 140x100 cm mixed media on linen For purchase, please contact @galleryfineart #zmogk #konstantindanilov #kdanilov #triumphgallery #mixedmedia #artcollectror #mixedmediaart #contemporaryartist #instaartwork #instaartwork #finearts #contemporarypainting #mixedmediaartist #contemporaryartcurator #urbancontemporary #paintings #moderartist #artcollectors #mixedmedia

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

Первый раз я задумался начать писать маслом несколько лет назад. Этот материал и техники работы с ним тогда меня пугали и лично для самого себя я не был к нему готов. Вчера я сделал первый шаг в неизведанную доя меня вселенную. Магазин @peredvizhnik и масленные краски @winsorandnewton , любезно предоставленные мне, как нельзя кстати способствовали этому. Спасибо. Первые ощущения мне напомнили начало учебы в МГУ, где после школы, пусть и с хорошим математическим уклоном и серьезной подготовкой, я очень быстро осознал, что тут все серьезней и просто ничего не будет #zmogk #kdanilov #konstantindanilov #contemporarypainter #oilpainting #peredvizhnik #winsorandnewtonoilpaint #winsorandnewton

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

I participate in the contemporary art fair @artfair14c , New Jersey, USA March 15-17 at @hyattregencyjc Much thanks to @verityfairart for representing my artworks there. #zmogk #kdanilov #konstantindanilov #artfair14c #verityfair #contemporaryart #artcurators #artcollectors #artcollective #hyattregency

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

«Сотворение», 2018 120х180 см, смешанная техника на холсте. Работа представлена на выставке «Апология заблуждений» приуроченной к 27-летию галереи @galleryfineart и проходящей в Московском Музее Современного искусства @mmoma на Петровке, 25 до 13.01.2019. Куратор: Ирина Филатова “Creation”, 2018 120x180cm, mixed media on canvas Group show “Apologia for delusions” dedicated to 27th anniversary of @galleryfineart. Location: Moscow Museum of Modern Art @mmoma Curated by Irina Filatova #zmogk #konstantindanilov #kdanilov #artwork #painting #artbuy #artcurators #artcurator #contemporaryart #mmoma #creation #fineartgallery #fineart #abstractart #abstraction

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

"Sidestreet" (6 ° 56'14 "N 79 ° 51'07" E) 2018 130x170 cm. Mixedmedia on canvas Artwork for my first solo show "Flashbacks" in Moscow at @triumphgallery 25.01-17.02.2019 The idea of ​​the picture was born out of my curiosity to search for something interesting in places that are located away from the paths recommended by guidebooks. Often the most interesting things are is hidden not on the main street, but on the side. Two years ago me and my wife were walking around Colombo and my eyes stoped on one of such places. There was nothing special, just a narrow alley, bicycles against the walls, motorcycles, doors, windows, some household rubbish, everything was brightly painted (wonderful color palette), sometimes far from ideal, and certainly not a fresh repair. But I see and feel in such places a special charm and energy. _____________________________________________________ #zmogk #kdanilov #triumphgallery #flashbacks #art #soloshow #buyart #artcollections #artcollective #contemporaryart #konstantindanilov #artbuyer #graffuturism #abstraction #abstractart #painting #artwork

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

“Flashbacks” solo show @triumphgallery Moscow, 25.01-17.02.2019 Every one of us has contemplated what defines you as an individual, what affects your future? Could this be the choices we make every second? The present? Or does this “present moment” actually exist, or is there just the past, with the accumulated experiences and memories, and the future, with expectations, goals and dreams? Everybody has lived through certain personal milestones that have defined, shaped and guided your present self to arrive to this point in time. These are the events that have formed us. Our actions are, in one way or another, based on our lived experiences and past decisions—be that just a moment ago or many decades since. These can be our own actions, vows, promises, parental guidance, triumphs and failures, or trifles that we hold important for deeply personal reasons. We are looking back at them constantly, wittingly or sometimes not, getting flashbacks. It is a source of strength, inspiration, and energy to remain committed to your goals; sometimes, it is a reminder that helps us learn from mistakes and avoid them. In Flashbacks, I share some of my memories from traveling: the places, events and impressions, the energy that I processed internally and grew from that, which has now taken form as a series of paintings. These trips gave me insights that helped me better understand myself, affected my worldview and informed my future goals. I would like to believe that this exhibition will become a bright memory for the audience, where as a result each visitor takes a moment to look at the world in a different way, to review their goals, and find the strength and inspiration they need. #zmogk #konstantindanilov #kdanilov #flashbacksexhibition #soloshow #artworks #gallery #triumphgallery #artcollection #artcollectors #artbuyers #contemporaryart #modernart #artcollective #russianartist #abstracto

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

“Insight” 2019 120x170 cm mixed media on linen available for purchase. please dm. #zmogk #kdanilov #konstantindanilov #artwork #art #contemporaryart #fineart #abstractart #postgraffiti #graffuturism #triumphgallery #artbuyer #artcollector #artcollectors #artcollective #mixedmediaart #urbancontemporary #paintingdetails

Хештеги на тему #KDANILOV

“She” 2018 150x200 cm. Artwork from my first solo show "Flashbacks" at @triumphgallery 25.01-17.02.2019 It delights with beauty and causes hostility at the same time, frightens and fascinates, repels and attracts, it is capricious and strict, consistent and chaotic, open and mysterious, hot but also able to become cold as ice, calm and at the same time gives a rhythm that does not always keep up. This artwork is all about my my perception of Southeast Asia. #zmogk #konstantindanilov #kdanilov #triumphgallery #flashbacksexhibition #abstractart #abstraction #graffuturism #mixedmediaartist #contemporaryartcurator #urbancontemporary #paintingdetail #paintings #moderartist #artcollectors #mixedmedia #artcollective

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