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⚡️Friday, one more week then it’s 4 weeks vacation... U160-beam with a 10mm connection plate, some dual shield flux core from the 320ic Rebel nothing can go wrong⚡️ Have a great weekend ! Keep blazing⚡️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
⚡️ Precision and accuracy call it what u want I can only think of one word and that’s like my buddie @theozziefabricator said years ago before the social media exploded it’s the most common word right now #WELDPORN ⚡️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
RODONITA • Libera aquellos dolores que tenemos guardados en el alma, como el odio o el rencor. Ayuda a mantener estados de calma en situaciones de peligro, y quita la negación mental que a veces podemos llegar a tener.
También trae coherencia a nuestras vidas cuando no conseguimos arreglarla o la tenemos muy desordenada con cosas sin sentido. La rodonita nos ayuda a darnos cuenta además de los detalles que muchas veces dejamos pasar, como aquellas sonrisas de nuestros familiares más cercanos o simples detalles de nuestra pareja. Nos auxilia en las confusiones que podamos obtener en algún momento de nuestra vida, y propicia a desarrollar amor por un@ mism@, a mejorar nuestra autoestima, y sirve para superar aquellos traumas emocionales, fomentando así el perdón, la serenidad, e impidiendo sentimientos de venganza. ✨ •VENDIDA• ❤️
First post from the new place This has been a crazy crazy week but we made it and couldnt be more excited Still have soooo much to do though
Cant wait to study, medicate, film and edit in my new office space, stay tuned for some really cool content coming up on my @theweedtube channel Sorry about the horribly cheap glass, all my bongs are nasty
#stonedlife #stonergirlsdoitbetter #smokesesh #medicated #medicatedandmotivated #weedtube #getlifted #keepblazing #canadianstoner #stonedsociety #cannabisenthusiast #420society #weedmotivation #weednation #womenofcannabis #staymedicated #liftedlifestyle #cannabiscuties #420 #stonerstudent
⚡️Kick start the first day back at the shop, base plates on the columns all done with all the stiffeners at place ! Connection plates at the top of the columns, ain’t having a picture on that... Keep blazing ⚡️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
#TBT to when our customer wanted to start fresh, so I filled this 1" deep H-13 detail. Thats a 6" scale in the bottom of the detail. Took around 6 lbs. Of filler and 5.5 hours.
#weldporn#weldpornarmy #americanweldingsociety #proudwelder #killallfiller #ratemyweld #weld #welding #weldart #tig #tigporn #arczone #weldingsmostwanted #weldernation #weldersunite #fused #thisiswhyiweld #weldlikeapro #weldeverydamnday #welderlife #argonanonymous #nocupwalking #keepblazing #nofilter #tigaesthetics #thefabschool #weavelikeaboss #pointonepercenter #westcoweld
Who did this as a kid? Like if you did or tag someone who did. #weldnation #youngwelder #kidweld #weldporn #weldalldamnday #weldnation #weldingout #weldersworld #weldersmostwanted #weldyourheartout #eatsleepweld #weldlife #weldfever #weldersatwork #welder #badasswelder #weldfever #welding #weldbabyweld #welding #weldeverydamnday #sleepeatweldrepeat #justweldingthings #keepblazing #weldingpro