yoga chantyoga daycares kidsyogasf cortemadera kidsyoga castrodistrict celebratelife chakras energy energyhealing mantrahealing noevalley privateclass sanskrit sfkidsyoga toddlers yosic millvalley sfdaycares yogakids childrenyoga littleyogis yogarestorative dhanirasana bowpose happybabypose kidsyogaclasses butterfly kidsyogaclass футбольныеклубы
Starting the day with a little walk before morning class. #sfbaytoddlers #yoga #kidsyoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yogarestorative #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #sfdaycares #tiburon
Our morning Shavasana with little friends #sfbaytoddlers #yoga #kidsyoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yogarestorative #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #sfdaycares
Our morning Shavasana with little friends #sfbaytoddlers #yoga #kidsyoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yogarestorative #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #sfdaycares
“You are my teacher”- that’s what I told these kids at the end of our 20 minutes session. They looked at me puzzled. I told them that I learn so much from teaching them yoga. Their laughs are infectious. They are positive energy all balled up in a tiny form. Even if you had a shitty day, these kids can put a smile on your face. They remind you what happiness is all about. They remind you about being present. They remind you that human connection matters. I feel blessed to be in their presence. #yogaforall #yogaforkids
Ayuryoga is a combination of yoga, meditation and Ayurvedic wisdom. It focuses on the unique individual and the five elements of nature.
Animals, nature and imagination come alive in our classes; as we move, we learn to stretch our bodies in new creative ways.
AyurYoga es un sistema que se enfoca en conjugar los principios de la filosofía y el ayurveda (aspectos preventivos de la medicina tradicional de India) adaptándolos a las necesidades de nuestra sociedad moderna. El yoga para niños es una buena opción para unir juego con relajación, concentración y equilibrio.
#ayurvedayoga #ayuryoga #ayurveda #kidsyoga #kidsyogasf #yoga #miniyoguis #livilolita #ayurvedaforkids #kidsclasses #wellness #children #healthykid #children #soundmeditation #raisingboys
Kids yoga at the same time YOU do yoga! We are now offering additional Kids Yoga and Mindful Play sessions geared towards ages 5-13. Classes are available at Ocean Ave. Monday on Wednesdays and at Union Studio on Thursdays, all from 4:30 - 5:45. Hope to see you there!
#yogaflowsf #kidsyoga #kidsyogaclasses #kidsyogasf