klingspor abrasivos inox discosdecorte desbaste flap aeroespacial automotivo brasil cintadelixa cutelaria discodelixa discodiamantado folhasdelixa fundi limarotativa lixas madeira metalmecanico moveis rodadelixa abrasive abrasives buenoseguroamarillo ceramic cuttingdisc klingsporabrasives nigrinmarkenbotschafter
It’s almost as visually satisfying as turning on a lathe! It’s not a secret but I use the rubber block to clean off my sanding disc and belt to extend the life of it. Not that @klingsporwoodworkingshop sandpaper need extended life... can’t kill that sandpaper! I didn’t realize how useful having a belt disc sander would be until I got my @rikon_powertools combo! I can’t even imagine how I did things before I got it! A few little things I’m not “impressed” with but nothing that would turn me away from buying it again if I had to! Satisfied tool purchase! •
#sandpaper #klingsporabrasives #klingspor #unicornmeat #rubber #rikon #rikontools #oddlysatisfyingvideo #oddlysatisfying #extendthelife #sandingwood #sandingbelts #sandingdiscs #sandingtools #nolawoodworker #cleancutwoodworking #customwoodensigns #woodworking #tipsandtricks #garagewoodshop @rikonau
ℹ️Auf welches Schleifpapier vertraut ihr?
Schon fast ne Glaubensfragen die einen schwören auf @mirka_schleifmittel die andere auf @festool_deutschland oder doch ne Rolle von @klingspor_ag
Ja Achtung Werbung wegen Namensnennung
Aber meine ehrliche Meinungen dazu, ich hab bei allen sehr gute Erfahrung gemacht je nach Situation kommt das eine oder das andere zum Einsatz. ▪️
Das Schleifgitter nehme ich für Lacke oder den groben Abrieb, die normalen Schleifscheiben kommen beim Feinschliff zum Einsatz und für den Schleifklotz-/Brett nehme ich Material von der Rolle ▪️
Mit was habt ihr gute Erfahrungen gemacht, oder ein Geheimtipp? ▪️
#hardwood #schleifpapier #schleifen #abrasivepaper #sandpaper #sanding
#ewcomm #woodworkingcommunity #woodshop #community #woodworking #wood #woodwork #handarbeit #diy #selbermachen #handmade #justdoit #holzwerken #sf_holzdesign #mirka #Festool #klingspor
Very honored to have my recent article on Europe’s last commercial metal type foundry, run by Rainer Gerstenberg in Darmstadt (Germany), published in the current @eyemagazine_ no. 98, with photographs by @normanposselt and @maxzerrahn. The article is typeset in Forma, designed by Aldo Novarese in 1966, and revived by @djrrb in 2016 for @typenetwork from original types cast by Gerstenberg. Repros by @normanposselt —
#article #publishing #eyemagazine #eye98 #rainergerstenberg #ferdinandulrich #typefoundry #schriftgießerei #metaltype #stempel #klingspor #haas #deberny&peignot #nebiolo #aldonovarese #forma #darmstadt #research #typehistory #typedesign #typography #TypoFoto —
I’ll talk about the activities at the foundry during next week’s @typetuesday “Eye 98 live” at @stbridefoundation, 4 June 2019 – come around if you’re in London!
[Advertisement/unpaid] The birth of a new project. A new piece of heavy and oily steel and a fresh paper stencil - lets go. Swipe for the result after killing some cutting discs in the angle grinder and cleaning up the edges. I love my new #klingspor belts, they do their sparky job just perfect and in the end they still just look like new this will become Kukri III I do for my Friend in the States. I am so excited.
@jamzt53 @klingspor_ag @scheppach_group #scheppach #kukri #kukriknife #kukuri #newproject #birthofaproject #simplyknives #customknife #customknives #knifefanatics #metalwork #knifestagram #stockremoval #forgedinfire #knifemaker #knife #bladesmith #bladesmithing #knives #handmade #diy #knifemaking #messer #handarbeit
60" LONG CROSS CUT! On my cross cut sled! I had to use some @besseytools_na one handed clamps, my mallet and some scraps to hold the dresser top in place, but I was able to support the whole 60" x 18" top and make a perfect cut! I did an initial trim off each side, then snuck up on the 60" with some painter's tape for added insurance. I'm confident in the @klingsporwoodworkingshop blade and the saw, but 20 seconds to add tape beats the pants off of spending 20 minutes cussing it out fixing an issue.
After that, I took the router to it to add the ever classy @worleyfab #worleychamfer to the underside.
I know I showed the top already done, but I just found these videos on my phone, whoops... Lol
My crosscut sled utilizes the @microjig zero play miter bar kit and makes this jig quick and easy to get together.
#crosscut #crosscutsled #tablesawjig #tablesaw #powertools #tabletop #woodworkingskills #woodjig #besseyonehandclamps #besseyclamps #microjig #worksmarter #worksmarternotharder #klingspor
Spardose für das geplante Eigenheim.⚒
@festool @festool_deutschland @makita_deutschland @mirka_schleifmittel @uhu_kreativ @wolfcraft_deutschland @klemmsia_klemmzwingenfabrik @spax_international @dictum_mehr_als_werkzeug @klingspor_ag @klingsporcanada
#heimat #heimatliebe #spardose #sparen #geldbeutel #ideegehabt #idee #dekoration #selbstgemacht #selfmade #schreiner #haus #geld #money #wood #woodworkers #uhu #mirka #klemmsia #klingspor #dictum #wolfcraft #festool #holz #moneybag #ewcomm #home #basteln #woodporn#woodlove
I have had a wonderful weekend at the #klingspor in #offenbach. All participants were very determined and concentrated. Some of them could have taught me... Thank you @jwkalligrafie Frank Fath, Carmen and all the others for your enthusiasm!!! Hope to see you all again sometime!
#kalligrafie #calligraphy #kalligrafie #letteringarts #handlettering.
Декор в офис. Основа материал: Лиственница и Ангарска Сосна. Краска Varathan и масло Watco. #декорвофис #декор #картамираиздерева #картамира #лиственница #ангарскаясосна #watco #varathan #масловоск #brus_ok #древесинавнужнойформе #woodworking #woodmaster #wood #woodart #woodshop #holz #holzhaus #holzmöbel #makita #dewalt #klingspor