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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #LANGHAARCOLLIE
#langhaarcollie #langhaarcolliesofinstagram #langhaarcollies #langhaarcollieinstagram #langhaarcolliewelpe #langhaarcollielove #langhaarcollieofinstagram #langhaarcolliemix #langhaarcolliepuppy #langhaarcollier #langhaarcollieliebe #langhaarcolliespaß

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

Happy Blaze at the beach! This boy never gets off leash freedom due to his tendency to have selective hearing when his name is called but he still loves it! (In case you were wondering his leash was edited out of this photo ) #roughcollie #roughcolliesofinstagram #colliesofinstagram #beach #australianbeaches #beachpup #saltyhairdontcare #tricolourcollie #dogphotography #dogscorner #weeklyfluff #dailyfluff #dogsofig #dogloversofinstagram #dogsofadelaide #langhaarcollie #colliegram #photography

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

My mane has grown so long now, at nearly 3 years old I'm finally getting my full coat Swipe to see how much shorter my mane and specifically the dark shaded fur around my face was, just last year! #roughcollie #roughcolliesofinstagram #colliesofinstagram #shadedsablecollie #sable #dogphotography #dogscorner #weeklyfluff #dailyfluff #dogsofig #dogloversofinstagram #dogsofadelaide #langhaarcollie #colliegram #photography #ilovemydog #colliesofig

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

Beach vibes I've been shedding so much lately, it's crazy! My body must think we are heading into summer again If only! We often get asked how much us collies shed. Well we do lose a lot of fur though arguably not nearly as much as many other shorter haired breeds such as our sister @marvelsofmisty (that bit always surrpises people ) We have a big coat drop once or twice a year. Our fur ends up on just about everything! Luckily, because it's so long, it's very easy to swish off and it doesn't embed itself into materials like our cat siblings' fur does #roughcollie #roughcolliesofinstagram #colliesofinstagram #shadedsablecollie #beach #dogphotography #dogscorner #weeklyfluff #dailyfluff #dogsofig #dogloversofinstagram #dogsofadelaide #langhaarcollie #colliegram #photography

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

Wie schön es überall blüht #ella #collie #roughcollie #dog #dogslife #lovemydog #dogsofinstagram #colliesofinstagram #roughcolliesofinstagram #hund #hundeliebe #herzenshund #langhaarcollie #hundefotografie #chien #hond #koira

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

A photo of me yesterday in one of our favourite walking spots We had a lovely morning walk with Blaze and @marvelsofmisty and I got to see some of my favourite people, Mum's Grandma and Grandpa too. Lots of autumn colours starting to come out now Wearing my Autumn plaid bandana from @petsgaloreartistry Use my code TIMI15 on your own order #roughcollie #roughcolliesofinstagram #colliesofinstagram #shadedsablecollie #dogphotography #dogscorner #weeklyfluff #dailyfluff #dogsofig #dogloversofinstagram #dogsofadelaide #langhaarcollie #colliegram #photography

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

We hoped this evening to have a nice quiet walk on sunset but it didn't work out well A gunshot going off shortly before we came across *three* off leash small dogs totally out of control and going crazy, the same person that we came across on the other bad walk.. only this time one of the dogs was acting aggressive. They couldn't get their three dogs under control at all so we had to try to escape from them and we ended up having to walk back to the car after having only walked for a short time Looks like we are really going to have to find something to take on our walks as a defense mechanism Poor Timi had been doing so well before all of this #roughcollie #roughcolliesofinstagram #colliesofinstagram #beach #carrickalinga #tricolourcollie #dogphotography #dogscorner #weeklyfluff #dailyfluff #dogsofig #dogloversofinstagram #dogsofadelaide #langhaarcollie #colliegram #photography

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

[Werbung - Personenmarkierung] In meinem letzten Beitrag schrieb ich noch, dass ich mich soo doll auf die Kirschblüte freue und nun: Tadaaaa!! Gestern sind wir noch mal los um zu schauen wie es so aussieht und da blühen sie schon fleißig <3 Und dann haben wir auch noch zufällig Lea von @heldtenhafte_momente getroffen, die dann auch noch ein paar traumhafte Bilder von Gaia geschossen hat <3 Ich habe auch ein paar Bilder gemacht, aber ich kam tatsächlich noch nicht wirklich zu den Bildern =/ Aber die Bilder von Lea sind so traumhaft schön - ich denke das ist schon okay, wenn ich erstmal die Bilder zeige, oder? ;) #hundemädchen #Gaia #Langhaarcollie #lieblingshund #hundeliebe #hamburghunde #colliesofinstagram #bluemerle #bluemerlecollie #lassiedog #colliekind #roughcollie #roughcollies #roughcollieofinstagram #hamburg #trickdog #trickdogsofinstagram #trickdogging #petfluencer #dogfluencer #instagramde #thestatelyhound #diewocheaufinstagram #bestwoof #dogsofinstagram #hundefotografie #TopDogPhoto #cherryblossom #kirschblüten

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

Heute vor genau 5 Jahren ist dieses niedliche Ding hier eingezogen und dieses Bild entstand. unglaublich dass es schon 5 Jahre sein sollen... es kommt mir vor als wäre sie gerade erst angekommen und doch fühlt es sich an, als wäre sie schon immer da... ich will sie nie mehr missen ❤ #hundemädchen #gaia #langhaarcollie #collie #colliesofinstagram #welpenbilder #welpenbildergehenimmer #hundebaby #roughcollie #bluemerlecollie #collielovers #puppylove #roughcollies #langhaarcolliesofinstagram

Хештеги на тему #LANGHAARCOLLIE

Arya ______________________________________ Infos & Shooting □www.klischklick.de #werbungfürmichselbst #arya #hundefotgraf #collie #hunde #langhaarcollie #hütehund #collielove #instacollies #bestcollie #bestwoof #dogphotography #dogportrait #tierfotograf #berlinerfotograf #pets #naturelove #grassland #wildandfree #pawsup #lovetheatmosphere #standup #berlindog #doglove #dogs #naturedog #männchenmachen

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