lastly korea preorder sale sales shoes shopping authorruthemcdonald goodnight life love зима 7inch 7inchvinyl beexcellent childofgod dance famalam feelfreetoinquire freechoice global globalsound globalsoundlast hardcorepunk healthadvocacy healthymindset ibobo globalsound
Those that know our story and have been with us through this journey will know how God has kept us and encouraged us. Knowing that we can go through life’s many trials together and still stand firm in our faith and in our love gives me so much hope and joy
Who knew 4yrs ago that a debate over whether London was better than Manchester for 20somethings on twitter would lead me to somehow being the future Mrs Adesanya.
Ask me how I ended up moving to Manchester in the end ♀️ it’s been over a year now ♀️ Seee love!
Femi, I’m so grateful to have grown in love with you over the years. You’ve challenged me. Pushed me to be vulnerable with my flaws. We’ve had to learn and unlearn things together and this is what I love about us...our dedication to growing and being moulded to be and do better.
I’m excited and grateful to be starting this journey with you knowing that we are imperfect individuals coming together by Gods grace to push eachother towards Christ in love.
Shout out to my beautiful cousin @missmobolu for the hook up and doing background check lol. My amazing sister @adele.ash and closest friends for planning this with @eff_ay_jay !!! #Lastly to my person, my best friend, the one that manages to annoy me and make me laugh at the same time. I prayed to be with someone that I could learn from and not just tell me I look peng lol. You are truly the wisest person I know Can’t wait to call you my husband and stalk you forever
To love and to be loved #Femicole2019
#2019bride #Godsgrace #teamshortengagement #LondonMeetsManchester #StartedintheDMs #Blacklove #Freshrbproductions #september1st2018
- Myrtle Beach, Spring Break 2019
#diegomayormaynothavegottenusallsickwithis #wetcough #itstimeslikethesethatreallymakemefeelatpeace #bigthingsaheadformein2019thisisonlythefirstofmany #campingisthemovebtwforspringbreakifyouretrynabefrugal #alsoiguesstherearesomepeoplefromUVAthatareprettycool #totallydidntgetaHORRIBLEsunburn #sorrymomanddadfornotcominghome #friendsatyourbackareagoodthingalways #igenuinelyappreciatethetimeispentthisweek #whoknowswhereillbenextspringbreakbutillneverforgetthisone #dontquotemeonthattho #lastly #thistriphitdifferentformeinmorewaysthanone #post17
Venus and Mars
Alright tonight
-Wings, Venus and Mars