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Preparing some 1/4” square and round CoHSS and Crobalt toolbits (same sort of material as Stellite and Tantung) for the Diamond Tool Holder tangential lathe tools this morning.
First up is to cut the 3” lengths in half on a compound angle using a shop built jig and the Hercus and cutter grinder.
Next I clean up the cut end using another jig on the Acute Sharpener.
Finally I put a small Radius down the front corner by hand which improves surface finish and prolongs the life of the cutting edge. You need a long thumbnail for this bit
Working with Elliptical forms, nothing quite like a lathe turning ellipses! This and more will be presented at the Santa Fe Symposium, May 2019.
#ornamentalturning #lathe #woodturning :
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